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"American Dream" Dusty Rhodes
CAW by American Dream

Date added: 1st June 2007
Name: Dusty Rhodes
HUD Name: Rhodes
Nickname: The American Dream
Nickname Placement: prefix
Announcer Introduction: the legend
Hometown: Texas (austin)
Gender: male
Weight Class: Super Hvywght.(302lbs.)
Match Tactic: clean
Match Specialty:

Head Morphing:(-18, 31, 25)
Forehead:(-95, 1, -60, -40)

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows:(-100, 100, -45, -100)
Eyes:(-5, -65, -35, -40, -10, -75, -45)
Nose:(-10, 5, 20, -30, 10, 31, 11, 10)
Cheeks:(-50, -90, 95, 35)
Mouth:(60, -70, -18, -65, 10, 10, -30)
Jaw:(11, 0, -5, 25, 22, 70)
Ears:(0, 60, -30, 0)
Skin Aging:(35)

-Body Morphing-
Body Type:(80)

-Advanced Options-
Neck:(-93, 30, 15)
Chest:(5, -20, -30)
Shoulder:(-20, 40, -100)
Abdomen:(26, 21, -22)
Waist:(-25, -37)
Arms:(35, -91, -67)
Hands:(-80, -40, -40)
Legs:(0, -70, -77)
Feet:(52, -30, -35)

Body Skin:(6) color(x: 97 y: 2) shade(2)
Body Height:(6'2") right after 6'1"

02. Face Skin Tones:(11)
03. Eyes:(2) color(x: 41 y: -50) shade(-5)
04. Eyebrows:(15) color(x: 93 y: 5) shade(-7)
05. Eyelashes:
06. Lips:(26) color(x: 95 y: 10) shade(20)
07. Teeth:
08. Hair:(7) stylize it - color(x: 78 y: -10) shade(35)
09. Body Hair:
10. Underwear:(default)
11. Design:(97) lrgest hor. & smallest ver. - use 6 of these to make polka dots on the underwear - color(default yellow)
12. Kneepads:(5) color(x: 71 y: 70) shade(30)
13. Elbowpad:(2) r. arm - color(x: -13 y: -100) shade(-80)
14. Elbowpad:(1) r. arm - color(x: 71 y: 40) shade(100)
15. Wristbands:(1) color(x: 71 y: 30) shade(30) length(12)
16. Otherheadwear:(31) color(x: -100 y: -100) shade(-96) "entrance/cut scene" only
17. Shoes:(4) color(x: -100 y: -100) shade(60)
18. Men's Clothes:(18) color(x: -100 y: -100) shade(-97) "entrance/cut scene" only
19. Design:(97) lrgest hor. & smallest ver. - use 7 of these for the polka dots on shirt - color(default yellow) set all of these to "entrance/cut scene" only
20. Makeup:(18) color(x: 93 y: -2) shade(-5)
21. Makeup:(61) color(x: 92 y: -2) shade(-30) alpha(10)

it uses all 32 layers... enjoy!!!
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