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Name: The Boogeyman
HUD Name: Boogeyman
Nick Name: DEFAULT
Nick Name Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: The Bruiser
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Fight Dirty
Show: SD
Voice: Voice 5


Head (0, -12, 81, 14)
Eyebrows (0, 70, 0, 100)
Eyes (0, 85, 17, -97, -58, 0, -5)
Nose (0, -97, 58, 0, -3, 95, 100, 39)
Cheek (0, 0, 0, 0)
Mouth (-86, -51, 66, 0, 0, 0, 59)
Jaw (100, 40, 0, 16, 62, 0)
Ears (-7, 29, 0, 0)
Age (0)


Body Type (0)
Head (37, 20, 0)
Neck (-97, 42, 55)
Chest (29, 7, 0)
Shoulder (0, 19, 0)
Abdomen (22, 32, 0)
Waist (0, 0)
Arms (-40, 59, 32)
Hands (0, 0, 0)
Legs (-32, 17, 0)
Feet (0, 0, 0)
Body Height: 6?2?? (Highest point)

1. Body Skin 1 (96, 55, 33)
2. Face Skin 1 (96, 55, 33)
3. Eyes 8 (100, 52, 36)
4. Eyebrows (Default)
5. Eyelashes 1 (Default)
6. Lip 1 (98, 50, 50, 100)
7. Teeth 3 (100, 50, 41)
8. Hair 15 (93, 50, 10)
9. Bodyhair 1 (Default)
10. Underwear 1 (Make Black)
11. Mask 8, 14 (100, 79, 40)
12. Make-Up 37 (100, 0, 48, 100)
13. Head-Paint 7 (75, 0, 44, 100)
14. Head-Paint 147 (28, 0, 9, 100)
15. Pattern Simple 153. Biggest Width. Biggest Height. Rotate once. See help pics for placement. (100, 42, 59, 87)
16. Headpaint 77 (100, 50, 35, 100)
17. Wristbands 2 (43, 50, 0, 100, 71)
18. Shoes 1,1 (43, 50, 0)
19. Pattern Simple 153. Biggest Height. 2nd Biggest Width. See help pics for placement. (100, 42, 62, 77)
20. Letter Sign 1/8 \"...\". Rotate Once. Biggest Width. Biggest Height. These are the three dots on the nose. See pics for reference. (38, 50, 5, 100)
21. Pattern Simple 148. Biggest Height. Smallest Width. See help pics for placement. Color: Black
22. Do the same as the previous layer but with the other side of his face.
22. Pants 3 (43, 0, 12, 0)
23. Pattern Simple 147. Head. Biggest Width. Biggest Height. See Help Pics for Placement. (100, 41, 60, 77)
24. Copy the previous layer and move it across to the left to complete the red covering.
25 & 26. Letter Sign 1/8 \"...\". Biggest Width. Biggest Height. These two layers create the 6 black dots on his forehead. See pics for reference. (38, 50, 5, 100)
27. Pattern Simple 153. Head. 2nd Smallest Width, 2nd Biggest Height. This is the black square under his nose. See pics for reference. (40, 0, 37, 73)
28. Pants 3 (36, 0, 15, 100)
29. Pattern Simple 153. Head. Rotate Once. 2nd Biggest Width. 2nd Biggest Height. See Help Pics for Placement. (100, 50, 59, 82)
30. Do exactly the same as 29. with the other side of his face.
31. Make-up 131 (96, 0, 17, 97)
32. Make-up 122 (98, 0, 16, 75)
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