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CAW by Do Flamingo


Name: The Boogeyman
HUD Name: Boogeyman
Nick Name:
Nick Name Placement:
Announcer Introduction: The Bruiser (for the sound)
Hometown: Disowned Zone
Gender: Male
Classification: Heavyweight 260lbs
Match Tactics: Clean
Show: Smackdown
Voice: voice 5


Head: [8, -7, -8, 5]
Eyebrows: [10, 0, 40, 14]
Eyes: [-8, -1, -7, -25, 0, -36, 0]
Nose: [20, 72, 36, 5, 45, 43, 8, 46]
Cheek: [35, 14, 12, 40]
Mouth: [51, -6, 14, 80, 77, -18, 35]
Jaw: [76, 16, 43, 0, 35, 53]
Ear: [0, 0, 0, 0]
Age: [0]


Hair: 16: [100, 50, 33] I use this to cover the zip of the mask
Eyes: 1: [92, 50, 30]
Eyebrows: 1 [97, 50, 50, 100]
Lips: 1 [98, 50, 50, 100]
Face Skin: 7
Eyelids: 1 [93, 0, 0]
Teeth: 3 [100, 60, 43]


Head: [40, 25, 29]
Neck: [-38, 25, 90]
Chest: [10, 13, 23]
Shoulder: [2, 24, 20]
Abdomen: [0, 27, 17]
Waist: [16, 16]
Arms: [0, 55, 23]
Hands: [18, 29, 29]
Legs: [0, 20, 14]
Feet: [0, 20, 40]

BODY SKIN: 4 [96, 52, 38]


10.)Underwear: 1 make black
11.)Mask : 8 - 14 [100, 65, 35]
12.)Make-up : 113 [100, 78, 48, 91]
13.)Head paint : 77 [100, 50, 30, 100]
14.)Head paint : 147 [28, 50, 10, 70]
15.)Head Paint : 19 [4, 45, 3, 44]
16.)Face\Simple : 140 turn 1, second largest horizontal, second largest vertical [0, 50, 0. 94]
Over the right eye (16 in help picture)
17.) Face\Simple : 140 turn 3, second largest horizontal, second largest vertical [0, 50, 0. 94]
Over the left eye (17 in help picture)
18.)Head Paint : 49 [83, 50, 0, 80]
19.)Face\Simple : 148 largest vertical, smallest horizontal [40, 50, 0, 79]
On the right temple (19 in help picture)
20.)Face\Simple : 148 Turn 1, largest vertical, smallest horizontal [40, 50, 0, 79]
On the left temple (20 in help picture)
21.)Face\Simple : 147 largest vertical, second largest horizontal [40, 0, 0, 85]
Over the right ear (21 in help picture)
22.) Face\Simple : 147 largest vertical, second largest horizontal [40, 0, 0, 85]
Over the left ear (22 in help picture)
23.)Head Paint : 31 [3, 50, 0, 57]
24.)Face\Letters\Japanese pag 12 ?=? turn 1, largest vertical, largest horizontal [38, 50, 0, 77]
On the nose (24 in help picture)
25.)Shoes : 1 [43, 0, 0]
26.)Pants : 7 [43, 50, 0, 14]
27.)Wristbands : 4 [43, 50, 0 ,100, 0]
28.)Wristbands : 1 [96, 36, 31, 100, 14]
29.)Wristbands : 1 [43, 50, 0, 100, 41]
30.)Wristbands : 1 [96, 35, 32, 100, 54]
31.)Wristbands : 1 ? 21 [6, 50, 26, 100, 80]
32.)Make-up : 49 [100, 50, 28, 100] I use this for his necklace
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