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Anybody Killa
CAW by crop circle

alright 1of all this is my first CAW ever!! but hope u like it!

Name - Anybody Killa
Hud - ABK
Nick - ABK
Nick place - Prefix
Announce - The Criminal
Home - Detroit Michigan
Gener - Male
Weight - Heavywight + ?
Match Tac. - Dirty
Show - whateva
Voice - whateva

Head -2/42/17/-18
Eyebrows 39/25/31/18
Eyes -10/-7/0/-7/-38/0/0
Nose 0/20/0/0/51/-15/-4/20
Cheek 11/-18/-14/28
Mouth 73/19/44/-27/5/50/44
Jaw 22/5/28/-7/-10/18
Ear -11/72/-84/6
Age 0

Body -16
Head 10/-8/0
Neck 2/7/9
Chest 10/5/13
Shoulder 17/3/-5
Abdomen -5/8/12
Waist 0/3
Arms 7/6/3
Hands 5/0/9
Legs 20/10/11
Feet -22/2/17
Bodyskin 1/96/56/48
Body height 6’2??

Head Paint 75/100/0/80/84
Pattern simple 153/0/100/64/100 (need 2 then rotate it and place in the middle of eyes)

Head paint 19/4/50/0/100
Pattern simple 149/40/50/0/100 (make 5 of them on his mouth-skull-)
Pattern Simple 153/40/50/0/100 (put this on his nose small of course)
Elbow 2/43/50/0/100 (I use 1 coz it looks dope)
Sideburns 11/95/0/11/50
Shoes 30/43/0/51
Gloves 2/43/0/11 (also use Gloves looks dope)
Pants 11/43/50/0/0
Long hel. 2/43/0/100/100/48
“ 1/0/51/72
Body acc. 2/90/50/55/100
Hats 3/43/0/17 (only entrance?)
Pattern pic 17/44/13/51/100 (size whateva but not the smallest would say)
A.I. style John cena
Signs Word Life/Can’t see me!? Don’t know help e out..
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