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Alex Shelley
CAW by emjay

Name: Alex Shelley
HUD: Alex Shelly
Nick Name: "The Next"
Nick Name Placement: Prefix
Announcer Introduction: Alex
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 202lb (hes 185 but i wanted him l.h)
Match Tactics: Clean (he is more technical than dirty)
Show: Smackdown
Voice: 1

Head: (-30, -64, 3, 8
Eyebrows: (80, 0, 0, -49
Eyes: ( -14, -5, -5, -1, 29, 0, 0
Nose: (12, 100, 20, -1, 0, 0, -53, 25
Cheek: (0, 0, 0, 0
Mouth: (2, 0, -49, 0, 93, 100, 14
Jaw: (31, 11, 3, 3, 22, 0
Ear: (0, 0, 0, 0
Age: (14

Hair: 3 (99, 24, 17 )
Eyes: 1 (92, 38, 39)
Eyebrows: 5 (95, 50, 41, 100 )
Lips : 1 (98, 50, 50, 100)
Face Skin: 1
Eyelids 1: (93, 50, 50 )
Teeth: 1: (98,50,50 )

Body Type
Ripped <-> Thick: 6

Advanced Options:
Head: (0, 0, 0 )
Neck: ( -3, 40, 27)
Chest: ( 8, 0, 0)
Shoulder: ( -51, 17, 0)
Abdomen: ( -34,11, 3)
Waist: ( 3, 1)
Arms: (-86, 0, 0 )
Hands: ( -16, -8, -5)
Legs: ( -11, 3, 6)
Feet: ( 3, 5, 5)

Body Skin: 5 (96, 49, 51 )
Body Height: 5?10 "

Goatee: 9 (96, 50, 2, 26)
Face Other: 1 (69, 0, 20, 6)
Sideburns: 14 (95, 50, 0, 100)


Pattern Simple: 153, Second Smallest Both, Place Centred between bottom lip and chin
(87, 66, 32, 80)

Pattern Simple: 139, third smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on chin at the bottom of the previous design
(86, 59, 20, 73)


Underwear: 21, 1(43, 0, 12)
Wristbands: 1, 1 (43, 50, 0, 100, 88)
Elbow Pads, only right: 2, 1 (43, 5, 0, 100)
Knee Pads: 5, 1 (43, 50, 5, 100)
Body Accessories: 1 (96, 0, 0, 100)
Accessories feet: 1 (100, 0, 38, 100)

Tight Design:

Picture, body: 80, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical. no rotate

place on right hip so that the end of it is roughly in line with the nipple

(100, 38, 48, 100)

Picture, body: 80,second largest horizontal, smallest vertical. no rotate

Place ontop of previous design, so that the red outline of the previous design is still visable

(79, 0, 53, 100)

Picture, body: 80, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical. no rotate

Place on left hip, further back than the first so that the end of the design is almost on the blurred part of the buttock.

(100, 38, 48, 100)

Picture, body: 80,second largest horizontal, smallest vertical. no rotate

Place ontop of previous design, so that the red outline of the previous design is still visable

(79, 0, 53, 100)

A.I. Fighting Style 1: Grappler
A.I. Fighting Style 2: Balanced
Crowd Signs:"As cool as the other side of the pillow"
Sign 1: i put: "He forgot his sign",
Sign 2: :"As cool as the other side of the pillow"
Move: Aggressive
Irish Whip: Less
Diving Moves: Less
Taunt: Less
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