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'72 Cent' Matt Bartlett
CAW by 72 Cent

Name: Matt Bartlett
Hud Name: 72 Cent
Nick Name: 72 Cent
Nick Name placement: Prefix
Announcer Introduction: Matthew
Hometown: England
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 165 lbs
Match tactic: Fight Clean
Show: RAW
Voice: Voice: Voice 2



Head: ,-10, 37, -85, -49
Eyebrows: 57, -47, -99, 0
Eyes: 39, -5, -27, 100, 25, -44, -10
Nose: -10, -33, -52, -72, 21, -3, 0, 33
Cheek: All 99
Mouth: -27, -55, -48, -99, -16, -1, -22
Jaw: -99, -99, -99, -99, -99, -16
Ear: -99, 100, -70, -49
Age: 12

Morphing Continued

Hair: Type 16, Colour 100, 57, -39
Eyes: Type 21, Colour 65, 100, 100
Eyebrows: Type 34, Colour 95, 50, 32, 100
Lips: Type 34, Colour 99, 45, 50, 61
Face Skin: 3
Eyelids: Type 10, Colour 93, 50, 50


Body Type: Advanced
Head: -84, -74, -58
Neck: All -99
Chest: -16, -99, -99
Shoulder: All -99
Abdomen: -3, -99, -99
Waist: All -99
Arms: All -42
Hands: -48, -18, -99
Legs: All -99
Feet: -55, -99, 24

Body skin: Type 5, Colour 96, 50, 50

Body hair: DEFAULT

Body height: 6'0"


Glasses: Type 2, Colour 3, 50, 50 (Entrance and Cut only)
Shoes: Type 2, Colour 43, 0, 50
Pants: 49
L_Hemline: Type 79, Colour 43, 0, 50
Coat: Type 5, Colour 43, 50, 0 (Entrance and Cut only)
Leg Paint: Type 12, Colour 100, 100, 50, 100 (Entrance and Cut only)
Body Accessories: Type 4, Colour 88, 100, 100, 100 (Entrance and Cut only)
Pattern Simple: Type 147, Rotate once, 2nd largest horizontal, largest vertical, place on chain creating a John
Cena like medallion, Colour 88, 100, 77, 100 (Entrance and Cut only)
Pattern WWE: Type 57, Largest horizontal, 2nd smallest vertical, place in circle, Colour 100, 50, 50, 100 (Entrance and Cut only)


Fighting style WWE superstar: John Cena

Crowd Signs: Give the "Great one" his due
It's true! It's true!

Advanced: Move: Aggressive
Irish whip: Less
Diving moves: Often
Taunt: Often


Attire: Cut scene

Position: A bit back and facing a bit to the right

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