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Val Venis
CAW by Dawgwood

Name: Val Venis
Ring Name:
Call Name: The Ladies Man
Classification: Heavyweight
Gender: Male
Match Tactics: Clean
Show: RAW
Crowd Sign 1: page 9, WWE Symbol

Crowd Sign 2: page 1, I'm a Sexy Beast

Logic 1: Grappler
Logic 2: Balanced
Move: Clever
Irish Whip: Often
Diving Moves: Often
Taunt: Often

Body Toning: (-52)

Face Skin: 2/13
Body Skin: 1/4
Skin Color: (-92,13) (0)
Hair: 1/88 (-97,19) (25)
Eyebrows: 111/154 (-88,26) (-33)
Eyes: 7/12 (14,3) (0)
Lips: 38/65 (-96,-2) (-5)
Underwear: 1/41 5/19 (53,-17) (-28)

Head: (1,18) (20)
Eyebrows: (-66,24) (-3)
Eye: (0,-30) (0,-100)
Nose: (3,74) (4,-41)
Cheek: (-19,100) (11,0)
Mouth: (14,100) (7,-35)
Jaw: (40,55) (49,13)
Ears: (47,74) (11,7)
Age: (-70)

Head: (-14,0) (-37)
Neck: (25,7) (-64)
Chest: (24,7) (-59)
Shoulders: (-35,-49)
Abdomen: (36,47) (59)
Arms: (-25,-16) (-48)
Hands: (0,-30)
Waist: (0,0)
Legs: (11,1) (0,-44)
Feet: (0,0) (0)

Height: 16

10) Facial Hair 63 (-94, 27) (43) (43)

11) Dress Up Arms/ Wristbands (Both) 1, 1 (8, -100) (0) (100) Length: (87)

12) Dress Up Feet/ Knee Pads (Both) 1, 14 (57, -10) (-28) (100)

13) Dress Up Head/ Head Paint 5 (-91, 30) (-22) (-100)

14) Dress Up Head/ Head Design (Front): Simple 153 (-94, 62) (-55) (-15) Largest Horizontal, Second Largest Vertical, place on chin (see help pic)

15) Facial Hair 20 (-94, 44) (41) (100)

16) Dress Up Feet/ Shoes 1, 1 (12, -100) (0) Length: (-91)

17) Dress Up Head/ Head Design (Front): Simple 147 (-92, 63) (-59) (63) Largest Horizontal, Largest Vertical, rotate once, place over top of mustache and upper lip to completely cover top part of mustache (see help pic)

18) Dress Up Lower/ Mini Skirt 1, 1 (12, 18) (-100) Entrance Only, **Note**: I used a caw with a hacked mini skirt as a base for this caw, so I can't really say what the length is of the skirt. If you can't hack a mini skirt to get the correct length for his entrance towel, I suggest just choosing the closest thing possible in mini skirts and turning it white (obviously)

19) Dress Up Head/ Head Design (Front): Simple 150 (-90, 21) (-36) (-100) Second Largest Vertical, Smallest Horizontal, place on right side of Val's nose (see help pic)

20) Dress Up Head/ Head Design (Front): Simple 150 (-90, 21) (-36) (-100) Second Largest Vertical, Smallest Horizontal, rotate once, place on left side of Val's nose (see help pic)

21) Dress Up Head/ Make Up 8 (-100, -30) (0) (-59)

22) Dress Up Head/ Make Up 58 (-96, 19) (-13) (-47)

23) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Front): Letter, Alphabet 12, the letter V (20, 61) (-100) (100) Largest Horizontal, Second Smallest Vertical, place on the outer right side of the front of Val's trunks (see pics)

24) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Front): Letter, Alphabet 12, the letter V (20, 61) (-100) (100) Largest Horizontal, Second Smallest Vertical, place on the outer left side of the front of Val's trunks (see pics)

25) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Picture 38 (26, 14) (-100) (100) Second Largest Horizontal, Second Smallest Vertical, rotate once, place centered on the back of Val's trunks

26) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Flag 21 (-100, -30) (-100) (100) Second Largest Horizontal, Second Smallest Vertical, rotate twice, place directly over the top of the previous picture design, leaving only a small amount of white trim at the top and bottom of the design (see pic)

27) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Letter, Sign pg. 1, 5th column-Bottom Row (21, 29) (-100) (100) Smallest Vertical, Largest Horizontal, place on previous design as shown in logo pic

28) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Letter, Sign pg. 1, 5th column-Bottom Row (21, 29) (-100) (100) Smallest Vertical, Largest Horizontal, place on previous design as shown in logo pic

29) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Letter, Sign pg. 1, 5th column-Bottom Row (21, 29) (-100) (100) Smallest Vertical, Largest Horizontal, place on previous design as shown in logo pic

30) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): Letter, Sign pg. 1, 5th column-Bottom Row (21, 29) (-100) (100) Smallest Vertical, Largest Horizontal, place on previous design as shown in logo pic

31) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): WWE 1 (-62, -100) (0) (100) Smallest Vertical, Second Smallest Horizontal, place in middle of white stripe part of back logo (see pic)

32) Dress Up Upper Body/ Upper Body Design (Back): WWE 30 (25, -45) (0) (100) Second Smallest Vertical, Second Smallest Horizontal, rotate once, place on right side of the back logo in the grey bar (see pic)

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WWE Smackdown vs RAW CAW Form Maker Version 1.0
Copyright Shawn Foote (Aliases: Mr Shlim and Footesh) 2005
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