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Create A Superstar Create A Movesets Create A Belt Guides & Presets

CAW by Alanajty

Pics by ecwmike

Body Toning: 10
Face Skin: 1
Body Skin: 1
Skin Color: C: -93; 9/ S: 0
Hair: 62/ C: -88; 0/ S: -0
Body Hair: Default
Eyebrows: 7/ C: -88; 9/ S: 87
Eyes: 1/ C: -96; 9/ S: 0
Lips: 65/ default
Teeth: Default

Face Morphing:
Head: 8; -63/ -1
Eyebrows: 0; 3/ -19
Eyes: -22; 33/ -44; -100
Nose: 77; 0/ -4; -10
Cheek:44; -36/ 78; -62
Mouth: -50; 100/ 0; 20
Jaw: -12; -8/ 3; 24
Ear: 5; 0/ 0; 0
Age: -42
Full Body Scaling:
Head: 3; 6/ 26
Neck: 100; 73/ -69
Chest: -41; -21/ -34
Shoulder: -33; -76
Abdomen: -17; -7/ -10
Arms: 17; -32/ -56
Hands: 6; -9
Waist: 50; 60
Legs: -7; -2/ -8; 85
Feet: 0; 0/ 0
Height: 6’9???? (trust me)
10) Facial Hair: 70/ C: -95; -94/ S: 100/ T: -20

11) sideburns: 5/c:-92;29/s:59/T:100

12)facil hair 70 C:-100;-12/S:0/0

Wrestling attire)
13)Tights material 3 Design 9 C: 2;9/S:100/T:100/L:-100

14)Knee Pads: material 1 design 5/ C: 100; 0/ S: 100/ T: 100/

15)Socks 1 C:23;93/S:0 T:100/L:-12

16)Socks 1 C:17;-24/S:100 T:100/L:-8

17) Wrist Bands: design 1 material 1C:13;-100/S: -100/T:100/L:55

18) Shoes: 1/ C: 9; -100/ S: -100/ L: -84

19)long hemline 46 C:100;-10/S:100/T:100

20)pictures 100 C:-45; 9/S:0/T:100( place on his hemline on the back

21)make up 1 C:100;45/S:o/T:-100

22)make up 5 C:-82;32/S:o/T:-100

23)make up 51 C:-81;20/S:o/T:-100

24)make up 7 C:-81;-10/S:o/T:-100

25)make up 2 C:-100;9/S:o/T:-100

26)make up 35 C:-100;9/S:o/T:-100
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