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Batista (GAB Attire)
CAW by Showstopa123

Credits also to Dawgwood & trh2

Name: Batista
Ring Name: Blank
Call Name: The People\'s Champ or whatever you prefer
Class: Super Heavyweight
Gender: Male
Match Tatics: Clean
Show: Smackdown!
Crowd Signs:
1) Let The Sin Begin Batista Page 5/9
2) (Whatever you prefer)

Logic 1: Grappler
Logic 2: Striker
Move: Agressive
Irish Whip: Often
Diving Moves: Less Often
Taunt: Often

Body Toning: (-49)

Body Parts
Face Skin: 6
Body Skin: 2
Skin Color: Now (-92,-4) (5)
Hair: 4 (-86,10) (0)
Eyebrows: 122 (-89,-98) (0)
Eyes: 7 (-96,-20) (22)
Lips: 57 (98,-10) (7)
Teeth: Default

Face Morphing
Head: (-11,32) (0)
Eyebrows: (-6,62) (9)
Eyes: (-57,-16) (-66,-82)
Nose: (3,96) (23,-12)
Cheek: (-77,14) (-38,0)
Mouth: (-5,-61) (0,-100)
Jaw: (2,62) (0,0)
Ear: (61,69) (0,18)
Age: (-100)

Full Body Scaling
Head: (61,0) (-69)
Neck: (66,53) (40)
Chest: (68,25) (-40)
Shoulder: (51,-58)
Abdomen: (40,44) (38)
Arms: (7,7) (0)
Hands: (0,-21)
Waist: (7,14)
Legs: (21,35) (0,0)
Feet: (0,0) (0)

Height: 6\'7\" (45)

Upper Body Paint: 28 (100,-25) (97) (-54)

Upper Body Paint: 56 (-44,-14) (20) (-43)

Underwear: Texture 1/ Design 5 (100,-60) (-22)

Knee Pads: Texture 1/ Design 14 (100,-85) (-100) (100)

Elbow Pads: Texture 1/ Design 1 (100,-100) (0) (100)

Shoes: Texture 1/ Design 15 (12,-100) (0)

Left Arm / Chinese: ? I\'d Say Just use any Chinese Symbol (100,-28) (19) (25) Place on Left Arm Down Near Elbow Pad

Right Arm / Pattern Simple: 54 (16,-34) (0) (-18) Place on Right Arm/ Second Biggest Horizontal and Largest Verticle, Rotate Once

Sideburns: 11 (-89,-3) (0) (-61)

Face / Sign: Page 4 (Row 1, Column 5) (-90,-100) (0) (-18) Place as Soul Patch on chin as in Help Pic

design simple 56, largest horizontal, default height , place in center of tights, and move up one pixel. (12,-100,0)

copy previous design and move down two pixels.

copy prevoius, move up 1, and left one pixel.

copy previous, move right 2 pixels.

design simple 56, largest horizontal default height, place in center of the 4 black designs. (12, 100, -100)

design simple 4, default height, largest horizontal, place over previous designs. (12, -100- 0)

copy previous, move down 2 spaces.

copy previous, move up 1 space, (12, 100, -100)

design simple 91, smallest in height and horizontal, place in the middle of previus design, (12, -100, 0)

Design Upper/Word 106 \"ANIMAL\" Largest Horozontal Second Smallest Vertical (23,100)(-100)(100)

Copy Pervious Design and move over to the right a bit (23,-100)(-100)(100)

Design Upper/Word 34 \"THE\" Largest Horozontal Second Smallest Vertical (23,100)(-100)(100)

Copy Pervious Design and move over to the right a bit (23,-100)(-100)(100)
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