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CAW by Avenger Brothers 2009

Date added: 24th July 2009
Viewed: 27149 times
Rating: 9.0/10 (164 votes)

template 7
hair 27(89,0,9,-4)
head 13,0,-10
fore -50,-29,10,-5
eye type 1(96,39,0)
eye lash1
eye brow 12
lips 2
skin 12(89,2,-2,0)
aging 31
eb -100,60,25,25
e 20,-30,-28,-23,0,-15,-20
n 5,-75,30,5,-15,-21,12,-10
ch 12,-21,-12,35
m 15,15,-55,0,40,20,-20
j -15,10,-5,-21,-7,0
e 10,-10,10,20
hgt 5'11-6'0 def 5 type 10
n -20,8,8
ch -7,8,15
sh -8,22,5
ab -10,10,10
w 5,8
a -3,8,11
h 2,3,3
l -5,8,10
f 2,4,5

underwear def
facepaint 71(92,43,55,100)
makeup 18(92,-40,30,100)
scars 1(91,-40,-5,100)
makeup 25(89,-40,-3,100)
scars 19(92,-25,-13,100)
goatee 9(89,-14,0,56)
sideburns 10(89,-6,7,90)
tatoo rt arm 62(-18,-100,-23,40)

left arm:
design 45(-18,-100,-20,80)
141 green
141 red
forearm: design 36 black
tights 14(-13,-23,-5,100,30)
knee 14 black
socks 1(-13,-100,0,30)
boots 1 black
hands 6
body accessories 27 white
tops 37 choose default black color option
Shirt Design:
146 same
142 (-18,-100,-12,100)
138 purple
156 default
138 (-18,-100,-17,100)
138 white
chinese pg 1(-25,0,45,100) see pic
wwe logo 11
design 18(-18,-100,16,100)
design 18 same (other side of shirt)

bottoms 50 red
jacket 49 see pic or dont use jacket
It is 45 layers but a savvy PS3 person can easily substitute alternatives as most of the layers go into the jacket and t shirt