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Create A Superstar Game Saves

CM Punk
CAW by RkoMiz

Date added: 11th February 2012
Name- CM Punk
Moves- CM Punk
Finisher- Go To Sleep
Nickname- The Champ
Height- 6'1

Head Shape-- 0.5,0.5,0.6,0.6

Eyebrows-- 32/0,0,15

Hair-- 34/3,0,15

Facial Hair--
Goatee-- 8/3,2,8
Mustache-- 2/3,2,8
Sideburns-- 5/3,0,15

Skin Color-- Default
definition-- 8

Body Shape--

Overall-- 0.3
Chest-- 0.6,0.5
Shoulders-- 0.3,0.3,0.5
Abdomen-- 0.6,0.5
Waist-- 0.8,0.6
Arms-- 0.3,0.3
Hands-- 0.3
Legs-- 0.6,0.6
Feet-- 0.5

Torso Tattoo-- 4/0,0,15---0,0,15
Arm Tattoo-- 2/0,0,15---0,0,15

Ring Attire--

Arm Gear--Wrist Tape-- 1/25,0,15---25,0,15

Underwear-- 1/3,0,15---25,0,15
Knee Pads L/R--- 3/3,0,15---3,0,15
Boots-- 15/11,0,15---25,0,15