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Thread by devon of nwo

Date added: 25th July 2012
1. Arm Band Design 1: color : black and shade it 30
2. Arm Band Design 2: x:33 y:0 s:255
3. Arm Band Design 3 : x:0 y:255 s:80
4. elbow tape 1 : x: 0 y: 255 s:80
5. elbow tape 2: x: 45 y: 55 s:255
6. top : X:40 Y: 255 S: 47
7.Top design 1 : x:0 y:255 s:80
8. Top design 2 : x:45 y: 0 s:255
9.shorts: x:0 y:255 s:25
10.Knee pads design 1 : x:0 y:255 s:62
11.Knee pads design 2 : x:45 y:0 s:255
12.Knee pads design 3 : x:22 y:o s:255