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Janet Devlin
Move by Mikey Salz

Date added: 28th December 2011
This includes a mix of presets and original ideas.


Leverage Pin
Dirty Pin
Ring Escape

Standard: Kelly Kelly

Diva 1
Diva 13
Diva 2
Diva 4

Standing: Eve
Ground: Layla
Corner: Michelle McCool
Rope: Natalya
Apron: Beth Phoenix


Seated Senton & Diving Double Axe Handle
Frog Splash 1 & Diving Elbow Drop 5

Strike: Clothesline 3 & Running Forearm Smash
Grapple: Bulldog 2 & Facebuster Knee Smash
Grapple From Behind: One Handed Bulldog 2 & DDT 10
Ground: Double Axe Handle 4
Irish Whip: Running Back Elbow, Arm Trap Neckbreaker, Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker 1, Knee Strike reversal, and Ducking.
Pull Back Attacks: Knee Strike & Armbar

Comeback: Morrison
Wake Up Taunt: Diva 14
Signature: Arm Drag 3 & Sitout Jawbreaker
Finisher: DDT 3 & Reverse STO

Everything that has been left can be kept as default.