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CAW by T.J.C

Date added: 14th April 2012
templates: 1
skin:texture & color- 2(3rd color, shine 8)
age- 69

Hair: 17,77 (x:24,y:162,shine 206)

face: eyes- 1/10(x:13,y:82,shine 69)
eyelashes- 15/15
eyebrows 22/33(x:17,y:128,shine 59
teeth- defult

face shape: head: 17,-5,0
cranium: -15,-47,0,0
eyebrows: -100,-100,0,100
eyes: -13,0,-55,-35,0,0,60
nose: 32,-25,67,-14,-91,40,0,36
cheecks: 100,-100,100,3
mouth: 78,-18,-38,0,-31,0,-39
jaw: 24,-35,0,49,28,31
ears: -17,-32,-70,-86

Facial Hair: combinations- 11/25(x:38,y:162,shine: 255

height- 6'1, 300 pounds
size- 11/11

chest: 55,90,40,0
shouldrs: -35,25,15
waist: 100,35
arms: arms 0, biceps 29,35, forearms 30,30
hands: 0,0,0

Body accessories- 20/37(1.x:0,y:255,shade:8) (2.x:0,y:255,shade:228)
earrings- 6/22 3rd option

Elbow Pads: both arms 1/10( x:0,y:255,shade: 15)
arms and wrist: both: 8/28 (all x:0,y:255, shade:140)

underwear: 14/16(x:0,y:255,shade:17)
logos: letters: RIKISHI *write it in the middle* color red
designs: 114/144 *out line the letters* color white
belts: 14/28 (1. x:20, y:88, shade 15) (2.x:0, y:255, shade 35)
Knee pads: 3/14(x:147,y:160,shade:8
logos: letters:RIKISHI *make sure its on both legs and it needs to be in the top middle of the knee pads* color white

boots: 1/44(x:147,y:160,shade:8

Entrance attire:
glasses: 16/40 1.x:6,y:52,shade 190

This is my first caw uploading, my friends says that i need to upload my caws because they're amazing!! :D
and don't stea; my caw please, i worked hard on this. thankyou!! :D