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Randy Orton
CAW by @wwekid07

Date added: 21st April 2012
face morphing:1
hair 1:default
head:-46 -13 2
forehead:55 26 32 4

eye type:1:13 0 -9
eyelashes 1:dafault
eyebrows 31/39:88 0 -100

lips 1/17:default

texturee & color 11/12:5th color

eyelashes:-44 -29 35 62
eyes:-12 -11 19 44 -10 0 0
nose:35 0 19 22 -4 4 -19 -68
cheeks:-100 51 -39 39
mouth:-8 -68 -28 23 -58 -17 -28
jaw:-8 73 58 31 -15 -65

facial hair
combinations 25/27:86 0 71
sideburns 11/17:80 2 -63 25
mustache 12/13:80 2 -15 65
goatee 9/14:80 2 -29 100

neck:-27 55 32
chest:14 60 10
shoulders:-6 42 10
abdomen:-11 20 -8
waist:37 -28
arms:-41 -31 37
hands:-1 17 20
legs:0 55 45
feet:11 12 -4


tattoo both arms 137/148:96 100 -46 64
tattoo back 33/149 center of back of neck:2 -100 -45 52
tattoo both sides of the last one 9/149:-15 -100 -40 50

underwear 4/9:-10 -100 -80
logo designs 39/149 left side of underwear you choose color
logo designs 21/149 right side of underwear you choose color
logo designs 2/149 back right side underwear u choose color
logo designs 12/149 back left side underwear u choose color

knee pad 5/16:-12 -100 -72 100
boots & shoes 1/37:black
arm accesories 1/21:-11 -100 -78 -100 8

entrance attire
superior 1/50 skinny:-13 -100 -68 100
wwe logo 39/68:default in chest
wwe logo 40/68:default in back of neck

thank u !