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CAW by christian kumara putra

Date added: 14th July 2012
head : 31,19,19

face shape
eyebrows -82,90,35,-43
eyes 23,-13,,-15,7,9,28,4
nose 60,-29,-22,-28,28,-16,37,-76
cheeks 9,40,-49,-69
mouth -51,74,22,-28,22,-25,46
jaw 94,87,29,-34,25,-45
ears default

height 180 cm

body shape

neck = -28,10,34
chest 9,65,72
shoulders default
abdomen 49,70,82
waist 49,77
arms 59,0,0
hands default
legs -50,0,0
feet default

1.size 5
2.texture 2
3.eye type 1=99,9,-40
4.eyebrows 1 88,0,-100
eyelashes 1
lips 1
teeth 3
hair 63 84,22,-32,25
trunks default
combination 9 89,0,-77,28
combination 13 -100,40,-100,53
goatee 1 90,0,-100,100
wrestling tights 1 13,-23,-100
facepaint 9 88,-8,-45,100
facepaint 33 88,-8,-25,100
boots 29 1st:-95,0,-100
hands 13 (white)
tops 1 (white)
tops 41 -13,-100,31
body accesories 2 -13,-23,-100
21.logo 103 (the white one) *biggest vertical and horizontal,rotate once*
22.logo (the black one) *biggest vertical and horizontal,rotate once*
23.logo 97 (the red one) *2nd biggest vertical and horizontal*
24.logo 146 (the orange one) *2nd largest vertical,biggest horizontal)
25.logo 103 (the gold one) *2nd largest horizontal and largest vertical*
26.logo 97 (the pink one) *2nd largest horizontal and vertical*
27.logo 144 (the green one) *2nd largest horizontal and 2nd smallest vertical)
28.logo 103 (the blue one) *biggest horizontal and vertical*
29.logo 103 (the purple one) 2nd largest vertical,2nd smallest horizontal)

for no 21-29 colour is : 88,-8,-25,100

ps:if something wrong pm me