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Blue Mary
CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 31st August 2012
Hair: 20/71 color: 67/29/40/42
Eyes: 1/9 color: 56/22/-14
Eyebrows: 2/39
Lips: 2/17
Makeup: 1/29 color: 100/-100/-100

eyes: 0/30/38/-6/19/-5/22
mouth: -11/-4/6/0/15/0/0

Height: 175cm
Neck: -25/28/-6 /
Chest: 7/16/3
Bust: 0/31/10
Shoulders: 13/-12/22
Abdominal -25/0/0
Waist: 19/-1
arms: -46/8/1
Definition: 4/6

Top: 9/44 Color: -100/32/22/0
bottom: 6/25 color: -34/3/-29
Design: 143/149 Color: 70/89/49/100
Design: 141/149 design over another color: 75/74/23/100

the same on the other leg

Design: 143/149 Color: 70/89/49/100
Design: 141/149 design over another color: 75/74/23/100
hands: 8/16 color: -13/-100/-100/100
shoes: 3/36 color: -13/-100/-100

name: blue mary
abbreviated name: blue mary
Presenter: your choice
source: new york
Weight: 68kg
Audience: good
brand: your choice