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The Ultimate Warrior
CAW by tomcat13

Date added: 19th January 2009
Viewed: 83517 times
Rating: 8.8/10 (581 votes)

Billed Height: 6'3" ( 1 inch= 2.54cm)
Heaviest billed weight in the WWE: 280 lbs. (2.2 lbs.=1kg)

Head:15,-41, 20
ForeHead: -52, 25, 48, 0

Eyes: Eye Type: 1/9 (96, 39, -15)
Eyebrows: 7/39 (85, 0,-11)

Mouth:Lips 14/17 (98,7,4)

Skin: Skin Tone: 10/12 (91,13,-12,-6)
Skin: Skin Aging: 20

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: (-100, -19, 36, 100)
Eyes: (41, -60, 14, 8, 54, 74, -12)
Nose: (-13, -84, 13, 3, -2, -11, 12, -2)
Cheeks: (-80, -91, 22, 33)
Mouth: (92, -22, -31, 5, 8, 29, -38)
Jaw: (-97, -21, -8, -19, -82, 25)
Ears: (0, 0, 0, 0)

During Face Paint design leave hair at default because it's much easier to do the design this way but when finished use....

Hair: 27/71 (88, 8, 7, 100)

Body Height: 190 cm
Body Type: 85
Neck: -100, -60, 0
Chest: 0, -42, -70
Shoulders: -75, 22, -31
Abdomen: -5, -100, -55
Waist: -74, -95
Arms: 0, 5, 11
Hands: 13, 14, 35
Legs: 0, -31, -28
Feet: 0,0,0

Ultimate Warrior Face Paint Design Key for Vertical and Horizontal length:
1= Smallest
2= Medium
3= Large
4= Largest

1st Layer: Black Outline (All steps in this layer give color : (-1, 0, -100,100)

10. Face Paint: 2/89
11. Face Paint: 26/89

Tatoos/ Symbols

12. 138/149 (2/4 vertical length, widest horizontal length) Place at top of face paint.
13. 146/149 (Rotate 2 times, 3/4 longest vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place over nose.
14. 98/149 (Rotate 1 time, 4/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face near cheek area to fill in outline.
15. 98/149 (4/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on left side of face near cheek area to fill in outline.

(Place steps 16 & 17 just above the symbols in steps 14 & 15 to complete the black outline)

16. 142/149 (4/4 vertical length, 1/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face near temple area.
17. 142/149 (4/4 vertical length, 1/4 horizontal length) Place on left side of face near temple area.

He should look like this at the completion of the first layer……

2nd layer First Primary Color ( Make all the steps in this layer the color: white)

18. Face paint 19/89


19. 138/149 (2/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length) Place at top of face paint

20. 97/149 (4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place over nose
21. 142/149 (4/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face

22. 98/149 (Rotate 1 time, 4/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face

23. 103/149 (4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face, near temple area.

24. Repeat step 21, place on left side of face.
25. Repeat step 22 but without rotation, place on left side of face
26. Repeat step 23, place on left side of face.

27. Skin: Marks/Scars: 22/23 (choose the design with faded dark circles and faded lines above eyebrows) Color: (1, -100, -100, 100)

28. 142/149 (2/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of forehead, make sure it overlaps the lines left by design in step 27.

29. 142/149 (2/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length) Place on left side of forehead, make sure it overlaps the lines left by design in step 27.

When finished up to this point he should look like this….

3rd layer Second Primary color (All steps in this layer color: -10, 0, 50, 100)

(The following 4 steps will need to be move up to a lower number than step 27:Marks/Scars, so that the black part overlaps them.)

30. 138/149 (Rotate 2 times, 4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face.

Now move up in “Edit Layers” beyond step 27 so it looks like…

31. 103/149 (4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of face csnap2686

Now move up in “Edit Layers” beyond step 27 so it looks like..

32. Repeat step 30 for left side of face.
33. Repeat step 31 for left side of face.

(End moving of layers)

34. 97/149 (Rotate 1 time, 4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of fore head.

35. Repeat step 34 for left side of face.

36. 138/149 (1/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length)

37. 138/149 ( Rotate 2 times, 3/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length)

After completing this layer he should look like this…….

4th layer Black Eye Paint Design (All steps in this layer color: -1,0,-100,100)

38. 97/149 (Rotate 1 time, 4/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length) Place over right eye

39. 138/149 (Rotate 2 times,4/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on right cheek

40. Repeat step 38 for left side of face
41. Repeat step 39 for left side of face

42. 138/149 ( 3/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length)

43. 138/149 (Rotate 2 times, 3/4 vertical length, 3/4 horizontal length)

44. 141/149 (3/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length) Use star design to connect black eye paint.

This is the completion of the face paint design, when finished he should look like…..

And then add the hair…..

Rest of the Design (For all body attire choose black, white, or primary colors of design)

45. Knee pads: 5/15
46. Body: Tatoos: Symbols: Right and Left legs
a)148/149 (1/4 vertical length, 1/4 horizontal length) Place in center of knee pad
b) 138/149 (Rotate 2 times,1/4 vertical length, 2/4 horizontal length) Place on right side of knee pad, connecting to center design.
c) Repeat step “b” for left side of knee pad.

47. Underwear: 4/23 (choose the ones that cover highest up on the waist)

48. Body: Tatoos: Symbols: Right and Left arm
a) 95/149 (Rotate 1 time, 3/4 vertical length, 4/4 horizontal length)
b) Repeat step “a”, but move the design close to the tip of the first one, this is to try and create the effect of the arm band wrapping all the way around.

c) Repeat steps “a & b” , but move slightly below top armband.

49. Armwear: Arms/Wrists: Both arms: 15/21
50. Armwear: Arms/Wrists: Both arms: 16/21
51. Boots/Shoes: 2/37 (pick second longest boot length, change to white color, brighten up a bit)

Color scheme for Orange and Red Warrior:
orange:88,100,59,100 red:-88,0,48,100

Color scheme for Blue and Yellow Warrior:
blue:-10,0,50,100 yellow:74,100,59,100