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Sherri Martel
CAW by G Productions

Date added: 18th February 2009
Viewed: 12892 times
Rating: 8.5/10 (88 votes)

Face Templates: 1

.:Head Morphing:.

Head: 17,0,0
Forehead: 100,100,100,100
Hair: 9 (smaller style): 72,-100,-9

Eye Type: 2: -19,39,0
Eyelashes: 2: 86,0,-100
Eyebrows: 19: 85,0,-100

Mouth: 17: -78,14,-3

Skin Tone: 2: 89,3,-3,5
Skin Age: 12
.:Face Morphing:.

Eyebrows: 100,100,100,100
Eyes: -20,-37,9,-20,0,0,45
Nose: -20,2,0,0,0,-3,0,-77
Cheeks: -100,100,-100,100
Mouth: 27,-8,-20,20,20,20,-36
Jaw: 39,-30,30,-46,-30,0
Make-Up: 14: -51,0,0,100
Make-Up: 1 (skinny style): DEFAULT
Height: 166cm

Body Type: 0

.:Body Morph:.
Abdomen: 0,9,9
Hands: 5,7,10
Feet: -56,0,-18
*Everything Else is 0,0,0*
Defintion: 1
.:Bottom Layers:.

Underwear: DEFAULT
Wrestling Tights: 5: -100,-11,-100,50,100
Underwear: 4 (default style): -13,-23,-100,100
Socks: 9: -13,100,-100,0
Boots/Shoes: 19 OR 34: -100,-11,-100
Belts: 18: DEFAULT
.:Top Layers:.

Underwear: DEFAULT
Tops: 9: 89,-57,-39,39
Tops: 6: -100,-100,-100,100,20
*Design: 142 (makes the "U" neck): 88,-59,29,100*
Arms/Wrists: 3: 88,-55,-47,100,100
Arms/Wrists: 15: -13,-100,100,100
Hands: 2: -13,-100,-100,100
Body Acessories: 25: 100,0,0
Jackets: 19 (strapless style): -22,0,-100
.:Martel's Make-Up Designs:.

*Any type of face design preferably ranging between Face Designs 1-15*

*Usually funky and placed around and under her eyes*

*Have fun with it, and be creative*