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Necro Butcher
CAW by deathmatchfan2000

Date added: 17th December 2008
Viewed: 6141 times
Rating: 2.6/10 (70 votes)

Face Template:Template 12

Name:Necro Butcher
Nickname:Hollywood dylan Summer
Nickname Placement:none
HUD Name:Necro
Announcer Introduction:Dylan
Hometown:West Virginia
Weightclass:270 lbs.
Crowd Reaction:You pick
Show:You pick

Hair:8/71 X:83 Y:14 S:-7 (you can pick what you think look good had a hard time on the hair.
*Head Morphing:*
Head:14 9 7
Forehead:11 27 -20 30

Eye Type:1/9 S default X:82 Y:52 S:-14
Eyebrows:37/39 X:-100 Y:-100 S:-39
Lips:1/17 X:96 Y:4 S:-3
Teeth:3/14 X:84 Y:19 S:22
Skin Tone:8/12 X:90 Y:-6 S:0
Skin Aging:93
*Face Morphing*
Eyebrows:-100 87 17 -10
Eyes:-32 39 -32 -43 16 -15 -18
Nose:14 -62 -39 34 4 -32 -14 -24
Cheeks:-78 -22 -29 26
Mouth:95 -22 -29 8 4 8 -44
Jaw:16 11 29 20 22 -34
Ears:31 -7 -5 9

Height:5' 3"
*Body Type*
Body Type:20
Body Morphing-
Neck:-28 17 20
Chest:-44 -32 -78
Shoulders:-74 -33 -44
Abdomen:26 13 -9
Waist:41 -10
Arms:9 6 -15
Hands:-4 6 4
Legs:-14 -9 -8
Feet:4 5 6


09:Body hair 1/6 X:81 Y:62 S:0 A:83
10:Underwear Default
11:Facial Hair Tamplates 18/27 X:67 Y:-78 S:-43
12:Tamplates 9/27 X:68 Y:-69 S:-39
13:Mustache 10/13 X:52 Y:-60 S:-29 A:35
14:Sideburns 14/17 X:61 Y:-66 S:-47
15:Design Left Arm 4/149 Rotate 2 times V:smallest H:2nd smallest X:13 Y:-80 S:-22 A:71 look at pic for placement
16:Design Left Arm 16/149 V:2nd smallest H:2nd bigest X:-94 Y:-94 S:26 A:76 look at pic for placement
17:Design Left Arm 1/149 V:2nd bigest H:2nd smallest X:54 Y:-70 S:-19 A:63 look at pic for placement
18:Design Left Arm 118/149 V:smallest H:smallest X:-58 Y:-46 S:3 A:67 look at pic for placement
19 letters Sign Letf Arm 1st row 5th sign (.) V:2nd smallest H:2nd smallest X:-100 Y:65 S:11 A:58 look at pic for placement
20:Design Right Arm 142/149 V:smallest H:smallest use green
look at pic for placement
21:Design Right Arm 54/149 V:2nd smallest H:2nd bigest use green look at pic for placement
22:Bottoms 42/43 X:-21 Y:-59 S:3

I did the numbering wrong on the photos so here is the right numbering 19=15 20=16 21=17 22=18 23=19 24=20 25-21
I do not like how some parts came out so you guys that are good ate making CAW Edit this CAW so it well be better