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Date added: 3rd July 2009
Viewed: 38303 times
Rating: 8.9/10 (475 votes)


name: Mario
nickname: Super(prefix)
hud: Mario
call name: The Superstar
from: parts unknown
weight: cruiserweight
crowd: good


height: smallest
neck: -100/-33/-25
chest: -85/80/16
shoulders: -96/-55/-9
abdomen: -32/38/52
waist: 20/62
arms: -100/38/16
hands: 19/96/60
legs: -100/55/31
feet: 25/67/50


hair 17(style 1): 86/2/4
head: 100/100/86
forehead: -37/-56/50/79
skin tone 2: 89/-12/4/-3
eyebrows: 100/-54/-40/-100
eyes: 70/100/100/28/-100/100/100
nose: 0/-75/25/100/100/50/-100/-56
cheeks: -29/100/100/100
mouth: -85/-27/-47/-21/0/0/49
jaw: -23/-83/-4/49/-8/-39
ears: 29/60/-68/83


9. default underwear
10. masks 21: 88/-55/16/100
11. sideburns 2: 86/48/1/100
12. boots/shoes 11: 86/-12/-40
13. hands 2: -13/-100/46/100
14. tops 5(style 2): -100/7/-23/100/100
15. hats 5(style 1): -100/16/-44
16. outfits 1: -24/-17/-29
17-18. outfits design 142: 71/74/60/100: makes yellow clasps for overalls on chest
19-20. chest design 104: -18/0/8/100: fills red gap just above yellow clasps
21-24. hat design 142: -18/-100/59/100: makes white circle on hat. 2 on sides 2 for top/bottom
25-26. hat design 104: -100/13/0/100: makes outer "legs" of letter "M" on hat
27. alphabet page 2/17 "v": -100/0/-37/100: makes middle "tooth" of "M" on hat
28-29. face design 104: black: place under nose to make sides of mustache. ends should be nearly touching sideburns
30-31. face design 103: black: place under nose to fill gap between layers 28/29 for mustache
32-35. face design 142: black: makes round details on bottom of mustace. space evenly. 2 for middle and one on each end
36-37. face design 97: white: makes whites of eyes
38-41. face design 97: -12/0/48/100: makes blues of eyes. 2 for each eye. place closest to nose. overlap each.
42-43. face design 142: black: makes blacks of eyes. place closest to nose making sure blues outline on all sides except closest to nose.
44-45. face sign page 1/7 ".": white: makes glare for blacks of eyes. place upper/outer edge of layers 42/43
46-47. face sign page 1/7 "(": black: makes eyebrows