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The Rock
CAW by bigal97

Date added: 6th December 2008
Viewed: 13111 times
Rating: 6.0/10 (76 votes)

hair: 4. 86,0,-25

-head morphing-
head: -11,3,-13
forehead: -100,-100,-100,3

eyes: 1. 89,39,-23
eyebrows: 38. 87,0,-5
lips: 1. -100,7,-8
skin tone: 6. 91,1,-14

-face morhing-
eyebrows: -50,99,13,-44
eyes: -19,-40,36,14,-3,-23,-22
nose: -39,100,-75,-38,-6,100,25,-12
cheeks: 3,98,73,21
mouth: 72,-7,-26,-38,90,-30,-29
jaw: -61,51,0,-44,48,0
ears: -10,74,-62,24

height: 6'4"
body type: -16
definition: 2

-body morphing-
neck: -36,17,7

1. underwear: 4. smallest. -13,-100,-77
2. wwe design: 9. largest H & V. place on front and back of underwear. 69,70,-10,100
3. face sign: 5th one. place one of these on each nostril to make it look like flared nostrils. default black
4. knee pads: 5. -13,-100,-75,100
5. elbow pads: 2. -13,-100,-73,100
6. boots: 2. -100,-100,-77
7. make-up: 19. 94,7,-10,100
8. left arm tattoo: 147. 85,-8,-30,70
9. left arm design 44. 2nd largest H. 2nd smallest V. place above tattoo. 85,-8,-35,70
10. left arm design: 53. 2nd smallest H & V. place on upper shoulder. 85,-8,-35,70
11. back design: 53. largest H. 2nd largest V. place by upper shoulder. 85,-8,-35,70
12. torso design: 53. largest H. 2nd largest V. place by upper shoulder. 85,-8,-35,70
13. right arm design: 118. smallest H & V. place above elbow pad. 91,32,-24,100
14. right arm design: 10. rotate x2. 2nd smallest H. smallest V. place on top of the last design. 80,0,-24,100