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CAW by kidd

Date added: 15th August 2012
Viewed: 26027 times
Rating: 7.0/10 (20 votes)

hair: 2

Head Morphing
Head:7, 39, 28
Forehead:9, 58, -36, -7

Eye Type 3/9:1, -100, -8
Eyebrows 2:87, 0, -6

Lips 13: 94, -4, -1
Teeth 1:87, 0, 0 "RANDOM"

Skin Tone 7:89, -11, -1, 0
Skin Aging: 8

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -59, -14, 51, 14
Eyes: 2, -33 -19, -52, 6, 25, -16
Nose:25, -15, 8, -10, 21, -14, -24, -4
Cheeks:0, -100, 0, -32
Mouth:-8, -61, -25, 11, -14, -29, -100
Jaw:-100, -89, 12, 14, -22, 23
Ears:1, 73, 59, 49

Facial Hair
1.Templates 17:82, -3, 16, 62

2.Make up 19:90, -29, 15, 11

3.Face Paint 83:90, -31, -11, 91

4.Wresling Attire 12:Pattern 44 color black just click black

5.Knee Pads 14:-13, -100, -100, 100

6.Arm/Wrists 18:-13, ,100, -100, 100

7.Boots 2:2nd smallest -13, ,100, -100

8.Hands 1:-13, -100, -55, 100

9.Design 97: Biggest V 2nd smallest H Rotate 1 -13, ,100, -100, 100

10. letters "R" 2nd smallest V 2nd smallest H any color except black

11.Design 97: Biggest V 2nd smallest H Rotate 1 -13, ,100, -100, 100

12:Letters "R"2nd smallest V 2nd smallest H any color except black

theres only 12 Layers so you can do what ever u want with it
easy caw

Power house and brawler
sign ? ur choice
Name Ryback
hud Ryback
hometown i dunno
super heavyweight i put 316
good or bad i put good
smack down or raw i put raw