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Kevin Thorn
CAW by WillJobForFood.

Date added: 15th October 2010
Viewed: 14637 times
Rating: 6.5/10 (24 votes)

*** Head ***
Hair 63/73: (88, 25, 0)

Head Morphing:
Head: -6 -14 -3
Forehead: -3, 0, 22, -22

*** Face ***
Eye Type: 3/9: [Don’t Stylize] (-3, -39, -29)
Eyelashes: 15/15
Eyebrows: 35/38: (-100, -100, -100)

Lips: 1/16: (-96, -2, -1)
Teeth: Default

Skin Tone: 6/12: (92, -3, 3)
Skin Aging: 41

*** Face Morphing ***
Eyebrows: -44, 20, 0, 65
Eyes: 3, -29, 7, 58, 12, -6, -11
Nose: 0, -39, -37, 4, 53, 36, 37, 25
Cheeks: 16, 57, 36, 8
Mouth: 100, -24, -40, 2, 43, 7, -56
Jaw: 77, -12, -25, -3, 71, 74
Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

*** Body ***
Body Height: 6’3”
Body Type: 23
Neck: -28, 22, 33
Chest: 6, 8, 7
Shoulders: -65, 13, -35
Abdomen: 5, 12, 11
Waist: -50, -7
Arms: 74, -25, -18
Hands: 22, 22, 33
Legs: 19, -22, -3
Feet: 7, 10, 7

Definition: 5/9

*** Layers ***
9) Underwear: 4/31: [Stylize to] (-96, -14, -10)
10)Underwear: 4/31: [Stylize to] (-96, 14, -9, 100)
11)Face Paint: 71/118 (91, 34, 48, 30)
12)Design: 103/141 (92, -57, 47, 74)
13)Make-Up: 11/19 [Stylize to] (100, 0, -100, 15)
14)Facial Features: 5/9 [Stylize to] (100, -100, -100, 13)
15)Design: 103/141 (93, -55, -11, 100)
16)Design: 92/141 (93, -55, -11, 100)
17)Design: 97/141 (94, -59, 37, 100)
18)Design: 97/141 (94, -59, 37, 100)
19)Mustache: 12/13 (89, 33, 3, 18)
20)Design: 93/141 (93, -62, 37, 100)
21)Make-Up: 19/19 (92, 0, -22, 0)
22)Sideburns: 9/17 (89, 9, -9, 52)
23)Sideburns: 10/17 (90, 0, -22, 10)
24)Marks: 3/17 (90, 1, -3, 40)
25)Arms/Wrist: 20/20 [Lower its length to 0] (-100, -100, -100, 100)
26)Arms/Wrist: 1/20 [Don’t Stylize] (-100, -100, -76, 100, 72)
27)Socks: 1/24 (-13, -100, 100, 67)
28)Boots/Shoes: 7/33 (-100, -100, 74)
29)Design 107/141 (-19,- 100, 59, 100)
30)Design 107/141 (-19,- 100, 59, 100)
31)Design 107/141 (-19,- 100, 59, 100)
32)Design 107/141 (-19,- 100, 59, 100)

If something's wrong with the formula, message me ASAP!

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