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Jack Swagger

Date added: 8th March 2009
Viewed: 20302 times
Rating: 6.1/10 (99 votes)

hair 1(74,0,32)
head 3,-1,-2
fore 3,-1,-2
eye type 1(-12,18,-1)
eye lash 1(85,9,7)
eye brow 14(87,0,-21)
lips 15(-100,24,-11)
skintone 4(90,-3,2)
age 71
face morph
brows -12,80,30,-54
eyes -32,-24,12,-5,-16,-66,-25
nose 7,-38,8,8,16,22,29,47
cheeks 35,-55,-100,20
mouth 40,23,90,46,-100,-100,-45
jaw 20,40,-7,-34,-3,40
ears 0,0,0,0
height 198cm
definition 5
body type 8
neck -5,5,8
chest -20,6,4
shoulders -15,15,4
abs 0,4,8
waist 5,6
arms 4,-8,6
hands 6,4,5
legs 4,5,6
feet -5,4,5

underwear 1(-25,-100,-29)
face paint 63 (92,7,35,50)
wrestling attire 6(-31,-100,-70,100)
design 103 torso Rx1 biggest V+H place on right leg (purple)
design 103 right leg Rx1 biggest H 2nd smallest V
design 139 right leg biggest V+H (white) middle of purple
(do the same for the other leg)

arms wrist 1(-13,-100,-75,100,20)
knee pads 7(-30,-100,-76,100)
Boots 2 (middle size) (-100, -100, -70)

Fighting style's Powerhouse & Brawler

Employment Application Form
Name: Jack Swagger
HUD: Swagger
Announcer: (your choice) I chose Prototype
Hometown: Oklahoma
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: ECW