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CAW by Craigstothers997

Date added: 15th June 2009
Viewed: 6187 times
Rating: 3.0/10 (27 votes)


Hair- 38 custom colour X -19 Y 0 S -100 HS -100

Head Morphing
Head- H -100 W -100 D 0
Forehead- S -97 H 100 W 100 D -100

Eyes- Eye type- 6/9- custom colour- X 83 Y 11 S -15
Eyes- Eyelashes- 1/15- custom colour- X 85 Y 0 S 0
Eyes- Eyebrows- 37/38- custom colour- X 87 Y -100 S -11

Mouth- Lips- 2/16- custom colour- X -100 Y -14 S 0
Mouth- Teeth- 3/14- custom colour- X 71 Y 43 S 0

Skin- Facial Features- 5/9- short one- custom colour- X 100
Y 0 S 0 A 100
Skin- Skin Tone- 12/12- custom colour- X 90 Y 3 S -23
Skin- Skin Aging- 57

Face Morphing
Eyebrows- Y 0 T 0 D 100 A 100
Eyes- S -36 H -52 W -35 rest 0
Nose- All 0
Cheeks- S -100 Y -100 X 64 D 0
Mouth- H 75 T -12 rest 0 Angle -42
Jaw- H -100 W -100 rest 0
Ears- All 0

Height- 199cm (roughly in the middle)
Body Type- 0
Body Morphing
Neck- H -77 W 0 D 0
Chest- H -100 W -100 D -100
Shoulders- H -100 W -100 D -100
Abdomen- H -100 W -62 D -54
Waist- W -100 D -48
Arms- L 100 W -100 D -100
Hands- All 0
Legs- L 0 W -64 D 0
Feet- All 0

Definition- 5/9

Underwear- 27/31- custom colour- X -13 Y -23 S -23
Boots/Shoes- 2/33- smallest- custom colour- X -100 Y -11 S

Voice- 5
Match Specialty- None (or choose)
Fighting Style 1- I chose Dirty
Fighting Style 2- I chose Hardcore (e.g when he smacks that guy with a chair in the movie)
Crowd Signs- 1) You don't scare me
2) Get a Haircut
3) My Sign is Upside Down
4) It's Mullet Time

Name- Esqueleto
Nickname- DEFAULT
Nickname Placement- None
HUD Name- Esqueleto
Announcer Introduction- I chose The Legend
Hometown- Mexico
Weight Class- Light Heavyweight (106kg)
Crowd Reaction- Good
Show- Smackdown (same as Nacho)

Hope you like my Esqueleto CAW and put in a stable with Nacho.