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Chris Sabin
CAW by Cool Guy

Date added: 5th September 2009
Viewed: 6668 times
Rating: 6.4/10 (15 votes)

Start with Default Template

Head Morphind:

Head: 13, 40, 0
Forehead: -10, 14, -18, 0

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: -34, 43, 18, -55
Eyes: -8, -30, 10, -100, -13, 100, -26
Nose: 45, -27, -25, -7, -16, 14, -20, -19
Cheeks: 31, 75, -14, 18
Mouth: 100, -40, -32, 14, 35, 3, -100
Jaw: -100, -14, 35, -5, 23, 11
Ears: Default.


1. Definition: 6
2. Skintone: 7 (89, 0, 0, 0)
3. Eyes 1 (-27,7,9)
4. Eyebrows 2 (87, 0, 0)
5. Eyelashes 1 (default)
6. Lips 14 (100, 0, 0)
7. Teeth 1 (default)
8. Hair 21/Stylise one to the right (76, 0, -62)
9. Underwear- Sort it out your selves Not doing an attire.
10. Templates 18 (82, -19, 18, 0)
11. Face Paint 71 (85, 37, 47, 30)
12. Goatee 12 (85, 0, 0, 100)
13. Sidburns 9 (85, 0, 0, 100)
14. Design 92 (89, -66, 37, 35) See Help Pic 1
15. Makeup 19 (90, -18, 25, 45)
16. Design 103 (88, -65, 37, 49) See Help Pic 2
17. Facial Features 1 (92, -65, 7, 61)
18. Design 103 (90, -59, 37, 66) See Help Pic 3