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Rey Mysterio
Finisher by David2k6, rodcam8, rdchili69, ksk, yankee1213, Cos(V)0, panashe, WWE Jay, hardyrocks, sactobullet, sactobullet, pooyal, jeff hardy

Date added: 28th July 2008
Credit: David2k6
Finishers - 619
- frog splash 3

Credit: rodcam8
The 619
Go Round Pin

Credit: rdchili69
Finisher 1 - 619
Finisher 2 - Frog Splash Pin 2 (Eddies Frogsplash pin)

Credit: ksk
The 619
Diving fame asser (like the springboard leg drop, only turnbuckle instead of rope, he performes on Chirs Masters at survivor series 2005)
I think this looks good.

Credit: yankee1213
el paso

Credit: Cos(V)0
1: The 619 of course
2: Go Round Pin ( Drop The Dime) Dragonrana Pin (West Coast Pop)

Credit: panashe
Crucifix Head Scissor
The 619

Credit: WWE Jay
Instead of just having 619, I thought it would be good to have two finishers for Rey Mysterio. So, I found the best one I could for the West Coast Pop! Enjoy!

Finisher 1: The 619

Finisher 2: Go Round Pin (looks a LOT like the West Coast Pop)

(Alternatively, you could have the 619 and the Dragonarana Pin, but the Go Round Pin is the best for the West Coast Pop)

Credit: hardyrocks
Finisher 1
The 619
Finisher 2
Go round pin: without the sumersult it looks like the West Coast Pop

Credit: sactobullet
Rey Mysterio

Finisher 1=619
Finisher 2=Diving clothesline 3(at turnbuckle)

Credit: sactobullet
Rey Mysterio

Finisher 1=619
Finisher 2=Flying clothesline 3 (@ turnbuckle)

Credit: pooyal
First do a chair finisher then do 619 then you can pinfall really easy.

Credit: jeff hardy
finishers 1: swanton bonb 1
finishers 2: twist of fate 2