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Wonder Girl
CAW by TheGamerDude

Date added: 5th November 2007
Name: Wonder Girl
HUD Name: Wonder Girl
Nickname Placement:
Announcer Introduction: The Hero
Hometown: New York, New York
Gender: Female
Weight Class: 400lbs (She's really strong and I wanted her to be able to pick everyone up)
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Doesn't matter
Voice: N/A
Match Specialty: None

Head Morphing: -1, 0, -1
Forehead: 0, 3, -1, -1

-Face Morphing-
Eyebrows: 4, 25, -19, 16
Eyes: 23, 3, -9, 36, -13, -3, -3
Nose: 15, 60, 6, -3, 33, 34, 7, 29
Cheeks: -12, -40, -15, 3
Mouth: 9, 40, -12, 0, 25, 34, 0
Jaw: 0, 13, 5, -5, 0, -7
Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0
Skin Aging: 0

-Body Morphing-
Body Type: 8
-Advanced Options-
Neck: 0, 11, 13
Chest: 10, 1, 2
Bust: 4, 0, 2
Shoulder: 43, 19, 9
Abdomen: 16, -20, 5
Waist: 21, 5
Arms: 6, 5, 6
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 9, 2, 3
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height: 5'9"

(Please see help pic to complete the CAW)

01. Body Skin: 1/6 (Color 2)
02. Face Skin Tones: 1/9
03. Eyes: Default (Default stylize)
04. Eyebrows: 52/54 (Color 2)
05. Eyelashes: 4/21 (Default)
06. Lips: 15/45 (100/0/0)
07. Teeth: Default
08. Hair: 19/38 (83/2/-49/100)
09. Body Hair: Default
10. Underwear: Default
11. Women's Clothes: 20/48 (-100/43/-15)
12. Tights: 1/20 (-100/45/-30/100/100)
13. Wrist Bands: 1/22 (-100/-100/-100/100/35)
14. Shoes: 8/24 (Color 2)
15. Belts: 10/29 (Color 5)
16-19. Design: 92/137 (H: 1/4, V: 1/4) (Color 5)