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The Player
CAW by NiklasGruetzmacher

Date added: 23rd October 2007
Name: The Player
HUD Name: Player
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: The Player
Hometown: Mobile,Alabama
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Super Heavyweight, 400 Lbs
Match Tactic: Dirty
Show: SmackDown
Voice: 1
Match Specialty: Backstage Brawls
--Face Parts--
Hair: 14/50 (93,17,-23)
Eyes: 2/8 (100,0,0)
Eyebrows: Default
Facial Hair: Mustache: 1/11 (93,17,-16)
Goatee: 8/17 (93,17,-24)
Others: 18/27 (93,17,-25)
Lips: Default
Skin Tones: Default
Eyelashes: Default
Teeth: Default
Body Type: -100 Advanced Options Default
Body Skin: 3/9 (92,6,-20)
Body Hair: Default
Body Height: 7'2''
Headware: Hats: 1/10 Stylize 3 (86,-76,0)
Glasses: 3/39 (-78,-73,-85)
Tops: Clothes: 1/31 Stylize 2 Pattern: 8/45 (BLACK)
Logos: WWE: Back: 42/47 (100,0,-35)
Armwear: Wirst Bands: Right Arm: 1/22(-13,-78,19,100,44)
Gloves: Both Arms: 6/17 (-13,-78,19)
Bottoms: Bottoms: 1/34 (-27,-19,-11)
Shoes: Default
--Body Art--
Body Tattoos: Default
Logos: Default
Face Paint: Default
Wounds: Default
Motion: Superstar 08
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: None
Motion: Superstar 19
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: None
Camera: Default
Motion: Superstar 08
Fireworks: Ring In Kane
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: None
Camera: Default
Motion: Superstar 01
Fireworks: Ring Pyro 02
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: Room Lighting 07
Camera: Default
Movie: Logo
Music: Batista