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"The Jersey Devil" Daniel Hutchinson
CAW by The Jersey Devil

Date added: 3rd October 2007
Name = Daniel Hutchinson
HUD = Daniel
Nickname = The Jersey Devil (Prefix)
Announce = The Devil
Hometown = New Jersey
Male/Heavyweight (251 pounds)
Tactic = Dirty
Show = Smackdown!
Voice = 2
Specialty = First Blood

Head = Default
Forehead = 37, 0, 23, 0
Eyebrows = 0, 0, 0, 56
Eyes = 40, 50, 0, -72, 27, 0, 0
Nose = -13, (rest are 0)
Cheeks = 22, (rest are 0)
Mouth = -41, -100, -52, -100, -6, -25, 0
Jaw = 0, -59, -100, - 25, -42, -67
Ears = Default
Skin Aging = 0

Body Type = 0
Neck = Default
Chest = 0, 15, 37
Shoulder/Abdomen/Waist = Default
Arms = 0, 24, 24
Hands/Legs/Feet = Default
Body Skin = 2/9 (x=89, y=3) (shade=0)
Body Hair = None (Default)
Body Height = 6' 4"
Body Art = Logos = Body Tatoo = 25/30 (black)

Eyebrows = 54/54 (black)
Eyes = 6/8 (x=-6, y=42)
Eyelashes = Default
Lips = 7/45 (x=92, y=17) (shade=0)
Teeth = Default
Hair = 8/50 (x=-95, y=24) (shade=-71)
- 33/65 (Default)
- 63/65 (black)
Headwear = Piercing = 12/12 (Default) (Stylize = 1/2)

Men's Clothes = 5/31 (Stylize = 1/2, hanging out) (x=-13, y=-77) (shade=-51) (entrance/cut scene only)
Jackets = 19/20 (Stylize = 1/5) (entrance/cut scene only)

Elbow Pads = 2/16 (x=-100, y=6) (shade=-51)
Gloves = 3/17 (black)

Underwear = (Default)
Men's Bottoms = 7/34 (x=-13, y=-78) (shade=-74)
Belts = 14/29 (red)
Logos = Design = Right Leg = 128/137 (Default Color):
- Position on front of right shorts leg
- Resize as you wish
Knee Pads = 7/15 (x=-100, y=2) (shade=-55)
Socks = 18/18 (Default)
Shoes = 20/29 (x=-100, y=100) (shade=-41)

A.I. Fighting Style = Balanced/Grapple
Signs =
- "Legend Killer" w/skull
- "I Have the Key to the Masterlock"
- "One Sadistic Man"
- "The King of Hardcore"

* Layers 11 through 24 should read as such --

11. Socks
12. Elbow Pads
13. Piercing
14. Knee Pads
15. Shoes
16. Gloves
17. Men's Bottoms
18. Design
19. Body Tatoo
20. Make-Up
21. Make-Up
22. Belts
23. Men's Clothes (Ent. & Cut-Scene Only)
24. Jackets (Ent. & Cut-Scene Only)