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Shirley Manson (Garbage)
CAW by Luchawhore93

Date added: 30th December 2007

Name: Shirley Manson
HUD Name: Shirley
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Ashley (Sounds A Lil Bit Like "Shirley")
Hometown: Wisconsin (Scotland's not on it, so use the band's hometown)
Gender: Female
Weight Class: Featherweight
Match Tactic: Dirty
Show: RAW
Match Speciality: Hardcore (Known For Getting Into Fights)

Head/Face Morphing

Head: (24, 13, 15)
Forehead: (7, 35, -39, -85)
Eyebrows: (21, 8, -37, 14)
Eyes: (-4, -15, 5, 19, 6, 1, -41)
Nose: (7, 0, 16, -20, 44, 13, 5, 15)
Cheeks: (14, 15, 7, 0)
Mouth: (-26, 22, 28, 13, -26, -27, -19)
Jaw: (13, 64, 21, -11, 19, 12)
Ears: (-22, -29, -16, -100)
Skin Aging: (27)

Body Type: (-1)
Neck: (18, 17, 26)
Chest: (100, 19, -5)
Bust: (-32, -15, -72)
Shoulder: (6, 4, -1)
Abdomen: (100, 11, 7)
Waist: (12, 16)
Arms: (76, -11, 24)
Hands: (0, 0, 0)
Legs: (-100, 6, -11)
Feet: (0, 0, 0)

Height: 5'3"


1. Body Skin (Default)
2. Face Skin Tones (Default)
3. Eyes (1/8) (-100, 22, -8)
4. Eyebrows (2/54) (-100, 9, -4)
5. Eyelashes (1/22) (Preset: Black)
6. Lips (1/45) (-100, 7, -10)
7. Teeth: (Default)
8. Hair: (30/38) (-100, 17, 0, -78)
9. Body Hair: (Default)
10. Underwear: (Default)
11. Womens Clothes: (47/48) (-77, 69, -29)
12. Piercing: (1/12) (Preset: Black)
13. Tights: (17/20) (-100, -100, -67, 50, 100)
14. Wristbands: (Left Only) (22/22) (Preset: Black)
15. Arm Accessories: (5/11) (Preset: Black)
16. Elbow Pads: (Left Only) (2/16) (Preset: Black)
17. Shoes: (8/24) (Preset: Black)
18. Make Up: (16/65) (100, 0, 0, 100)
19. Make Up: (3/65) (-38, -100, -100, 75)
20. Make Up: (16/65) (100, 0 ,0, 100)
21. Womens Bottoms: (1/16) (-77, 69, -32)
22. Womens Clothes: (42/48) (-78, 70, -37) (Stylize to loosest, and tucked in)
23. Belts: (6/29) (95, -78, -53, 100)
24. Belts: (20/29) (90, -15, -91, 100)
25. Make Up: (17/65) (100, 0, 0, 100)
26. Make Up: (22/65) (98, 0, 0, 36)

The Rest Is Up To You!
Any Questions, email me at