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Scott Hall
CAW by Richierich09

Formula by ManicH6

Date added: 4th December 2006

name : Scott Hall
hud : Hall
nick :
nick placement :
anouncer intro : Scott
hometown : Miami, Florida
gender : male
weight class :280 lbs
Match tactic: Dirty
show : RAW
voice : Doesn't matter
match speciality : none

Face parts is all covered later

Head morphing
Head: (8,-49,11)
Forehead: (11,-49,46,-31)

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: (-78,47,97,-15)
Eyes: (-27,-35,25,29,-18,33,-31)
Nose: (0,61,30,3,31,0,34,0)
Cheeks: (-15,74,-13,-24)
Mouth: (4,-16,-22,-4,-25,-43,-43)
Jaw: (-40,37,8,14,0,31)
ears: (0,0,0,-49)

Skin aging

Body type

Advanced options
Neck (-56,23,0)
Chest (21,14,29)
Shoulder (6,33,-29)
Abdomen (5,18,14)
Waist (15,36)
arms (0,-3,17)
Hands (0,0,0)
Legs (44,10,18)
Feet (0,0,0)

Body height
6'6" *One notch above from 6'5"*


01 body skin : 1 *90,0* (0)

02 face skin tones : 1

03 eyes : 2 * (100,-78) (-31)

04 eyebrowns : 41 (89,-78) (-15)

05 eyelashes : default

06 lips : 1/45 (98,0) (0)

07 teeth : default

08 hair : 34/50 (86,-29) (-28) (-29)

09 Body hair: 18/32 (90,0) (0)

10 Underwear 1/28

11 Other facial hair 20/27: (86,-26) (-5) (57)

12 Knee pads 15/15 (-13,-100) (-70) (100)

13 Elbow pad *Right arm only* 2/16 (-100,-100) (-64) (100)

14 Elbow pad *left arm only* 1/16 (-100,-100) (-63) (100)

15 Other Facial Hair 21/27 (81,-54) (-6) (0)

16 Shoes 1/29

17 Make up 58/65 (95,-8) (6) (50)

*Making his trunks now*
18 Design- WWE 45/47 *largest size H, 2nd smallest V, place on the front of his trunks.* (100,0) (0) (100)

19-22- Alphabet page 8 *write haLL on the back of his trunks centered* Make it white

23 Design 105/137 *largest size H, smallest V, place it over haLL* *Choose the default white*

24-25 *Use these designs to thicken the square on his back's top and bottom a bit* 99/137 *rotate X1, Largest H, smallest V, use default white*

26 T-shirt 23/31 (-100,-100) (-70) (100) *uncheck match*

27 Design WWE 45/47 *Largest H, one click down from largest V, place this on his back*

28 *this makes his tooth pick, entrance only* design 100/137 *smallest size H, 2nd smallest V* (70,-46) (44) (100)

29-30 *use these designs to thicken the top part of the NWO square* Design simple 99, smallest V, one click down from largest H. *use default white*

31 Design 103/137 *place this under his nose, connecting it to the upper lip, rotate X1, smallest H size* (93,-43) (3) (39)