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"Ravishing" Rick Rude
CAW by American Dream

Date added: 6th October 2007
Name: Rick Rude
HUD: Rick Rude or Rude
Nickname: Ravishing
Nickname placemnt: prefix
Announcer Intro: the legend
Hometown: Minnesota (Robbinsdale)
Weight Class: Heavyweight(251lbs.)
Height: 6' 3"- right after the last 6' 2"

Body skin: (7) color(98, 5) (0)
Faceskin: (1)
Eyes: (2) color(91, 27) (-26)
Eyebrows: (37) color(86, 0) (0)
Lips: (26) color(97, 6) (21)
Hair: (40) stylize it - color(92, 21) (-62)
Makeup: (58) color(97, 8) (0) alpha(60)
Makeup: (18) color(98, 0) (-8)
Otherfacialhair: (11) color(95, 6) (-32) alpha(80)
Headwear/Design/Face: (103) size this one to cover as much of the goatee, starting from the bottom of lip - color(96, -45) (35) - now copy it, & cover any remaining goatee going underneath the chin…
Logos/Design/R. Arm: (37) default size vert. & smallest hor. - place this in the middle of r. arm, on the outside of arm, inbetween his shoulder & his elbow - color(-19, -94) (-28) alpha(0)

Coat: (1) pattern(14) color(-56, 0) (-31) "entrance/cut scene" only
Tights: (1) pattern(6) color(-100, -23) (15)
Body Tattoos/Legs/Both: (43) color(-67, 0) (-15)
Torso/Design/Back: (94) sizes for both - 3rd largest vert. & default size hor. - rotate the 1st design once, & place it on the left buttcheek, keeping it close to the middle of his butt - color(-60, 0) (-7)… now copy it, & place it on the other buttcheek

Now the boots…
Shoe: (1)
Logos/Left Leg/Design: (103) I used 7 of these to make the boot pink(-72, -28) (53) <<
Head morphing: (-15, -14, -4)
Forehead morph: (-85, -100, -70, -45)

Eyebrows: (-83, 54, 15, -62)
Eyes: (-17, -32, -22, 39, 29, 6, 11)
Nose: (-10, -30, 24, -35, 9, -10, -14, 13)
Cheeks: (-60, -55, 25, -31)
Mouth: (100, -35, -10, -70, 3, -50, -36)
Jaw: (-55, -4, -5, -15, -30, 5)
Ears: (0, 0, -64, -39)
Skinage: (3)

Body type: (20)
Neck: (-50, 24, 14)
Chest: (-15, -1, 0)
Shoulder: (-38, -23, -80)
Abs: (-20, 5, -15)
Waist: (-20, 0)
Arms: (11, -31, 0)
Hands: (-60, -70, -85)
Legs: (0, -20, 4)
Feet: (-78, -25, -12)

Finishers: 1) Curtain Call
2) Neckbreaker 6