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Petey Williams (Recent Attire)
CAW by aj rose( the phenomal enigma)

Date added: 23rd October 2007
lower/tights : 100/100/50/100
lower/belts : make black
arms/ gloves/both :make white

now for the tights design

upper/tattoo/design 97 make it into a circle then move it just under the belt and slightly into the crotch area then make it :preset whit

upper/tattoo/WWE 3 preset whit and make it the smallest size and go to bottom of tights and overlap the previous design

use the pic above for placement

add shoes 2 100/100/10/100 you may want to add more color

feet socks 1 -100/-100/-100/76

lower/kneepads 15 make 100/100/10
feet/accessories 2 100/-100/-54/100
then for the kickpad extenders
lower/tattoo/left knee/design 118 -17/-100/-53/100
do the same but on other leg and move behind the leg accessories

now for the leg designs which are all on the left leg

lower/tattoo/design 97 make into circle place on kneepad preset white

lower/tattoo/design 44 second smallest horizontal second smallest vertical and place on the top of the leg accessory and make it central preset white

lower/tattoo/design 109 second smallest hor. and vertical place under last design preset white