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Paul Heyman (WWE Attire)
CAW by Ace_Xtreme & Jerichoholics_Anonymous

Date added: 29th April 2008
Body Morphing Mostly By Ace_Xtreme
Attire By Jerichoholics_Anonymous

Name: Paul Heyman
HUD: Heyman
Nickname: None
Announcer Introduction: Paul
Howtown: New York
Gender: Male
Weight: 265 Lbs
Match Tactic: Dirty
Show: Raw
Match Specialty: Hardcore or None

Face Parts:
Face skin 1
Eyes: 2 100, 0,-10
Eyebrows 1 85, 0, -14
Lips: 1 98,0,-4
hair 43/66 default black
Eyelasher, Teeth, Body Hair default

Head Morphing:
Head: 18,28,-31
Forehead: 0,0,0,-23

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows:-67, 100, 11,-78
Eyes: 36, 11, 2, 3,0,5,0
Nose: 100,-9, 24, 6,-20,-50, 19,-59 add these in where they go
nose size -100,hieght -45 width-23 length-10

Cheeks: 0, 7, 49, 40
Mouth: 39,-34,-12,-8,-19,-37,-49
Add these in as well mouth height 100 depth -35

Jaw: -6, 7, 0,0,100,23
Ears: -2, 79,-22, 0
Skin Aging: 40

Body Morphing:
Type: 32
Neck: -80, 0,0
Chest: 12,-22, 0
Shoulder: -65, 0,4
Abdomen: 0, 19,24
Waist: 29, 2
Arms: -51, 20, 39
Hands: -14, 17, 0
Legs: -29, 16, 7
Feet: -13,-14,-6

Body Height: 5’11 Last One
Body Skin: 6 2nd one down

Hats 2/10 -100, -100, -100
Headwear logos wwe hats 1 default colour
Men’s clothes 7/31 default blue
Men’s bottoms 3/34 -100. -100, -100
Torso accessories 2 (stylize to the red one) default black
Jackets 5/20 -10, -100, -100
Shoes 10/29

Makeup 62/65 92, 0, -3, 37
Makeup 27/65 92, 0, -3, 0
Makeup 18/65 92, 0, -3, 100 (stylize biggest)
Makeup 22/65 92, 0, -3, 12 (stylize around eyes)

please feel free to PM me with
sugesstions, errors in my formula etc etc
(this applies to all my caws)