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M-Dogg 20 (UWA Attire)
CAW by Dashto_Extreme29

Date added: 5th November 2007
Name: M-Dogg 20
HUD Name: M-Dogg
Nickname Placement:
Announcer Introduction: Matthew
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Cruiserweight
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Smackdown! or whatever
Voice: 1
Match Specialty: Hardcore or Steel Cage

Head: 20\ 10\ 5
Forehead: 0\ 0\ 27\ 22

Eyebrows: -64\ 27\ 7\ 40
Eyes: -16\ -2\ -3\ -7\ 6\ 0\ 15
Nose: 6\ 46\ 14\ -2\ 14\ 4\ 41\ -7
Cheeks: 11\ 12\ -26\ -20
Mouth: 50\ 1\ -5\ 5\ -14\ 20\ -8
Jaw: 17\ 6\ 10\ -15\ -75\ -6
Ears: 0\ 0\ -10\ 0
Skin Aging:10

Body Type:-8

Neck: -50\ 10\ 20
Chest: -20\ -14\ -7
Shoulder: -33\ -29\ -6
Abdomen: -21\ -14\ -6
Waist: 0\ 0
Arms: -25\ -19\ 0
Hands: 0\ 0\ 0
Legs: -28\ 4\ 9
Feet: -7\ 0\ 11

Body Height: 5'7"

1.Body Skin:3 x:92 y:0 s:-2
2.Face Skin Tones:13
3.Eyes:2 x:-15 y:0 s:-19
4.Eyebrows:1 x:86 y:0 s:-4
6.Lips:1 x:97 y:0 s:0
7.Teeth:1 x:0 y:0 s:0
8.Hair:49 x:87 y:4 s:-14
9.Body Hair:1
11.Other Facial Hair: 1 x:90 y:-4 s:-9 a:0
12.Make up: 65 x:92 y:-7 s:0 a:25
13.Sideburns: 11 x:90 y:-9 s:-19 a:69
14.Make up: 62 x:94 y:0 s:-12 a:45
15.Make up: 43 x:92 y:-4 s:-19 a:59
16.Make up: 27 x:92 y:0 s:0 a:30
17.Goatee: 6 x:90 y:0 s:-9 a:25
18.Wrest Bands: 1 x:-13 y:-100 s:-75 a:100 l:10
19.Shoes: 1
20.Tights: 1 x:-13 y:-100 s:-70 a:100 l:65
21.Tights: 1 x:-13 y:-100 s:-80 a:92 l:100
22.Tights: 8 x:-13 y:-100 s:-75 a:100 l:45
23.Bottoms: Logos: Design: left Knee: 103 (Rotate 1x, 4th H and 3rd V, Place on front of boot) x:-19 y:-100 s:-39 a:59
24.Bottoms: Logos: Letter: Right Knee: Sign: Page 1/7 1 Colom 5th Row (4th H and 3rd V, Place on outside of pants, slightly to the front) x:-23 y:-100 s:-10 a:100
25.Copy Layer 24 (Rotate 2x, Place back to back with layer 24)
26.Copy Layer 25 (Rotate 1x, Move 3 clicks right and 3 down)
27.Copy Layer 26 (Rotate 2x, Place back to back with layer 26)
28.Bottoms: Logos: Letter: Left Knee: Sign: Page 1/7 1 Colom 5th Row (4th H and 3rd V, Place on outside of pants, slightly to thr front) x:-23 y:-100 s:-10 a:100
29.Copy Layer 28 (Rotate 2x, Place back to back with layer 29)
30.Copy Layer 29 (Rotate 1x, Move 4 clicks right and three down)
31.Copy Layer 30 (Rotate 2x, Place back to back with layer 30)
32.Men's Clothes: 18 x:-13 y:-100 s:0 a:100 (Stylize Tight) (Ent. and Cut. only)
A.I. FS 1: Luchador
A.I. FS 2: Balanced
Advanced: Move: Aggressive
Irish Whip: Often
Diving Moves: Often
Taunt: Often
Crowd Signs: 1: Pg. 20: 8
2: Pg. 19: 11
3: Pg. 14: 14
4: Pg. 2: 13