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Jeff Hardy (Hybrid Attire)
CAW by .Lionheart

Morphing by Mr Stunner

Date added: 30th June 2008
Name: Jeff Hardy
HUD Name: Jeff
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: Jeffrey
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight (226lbs)
Match Tactic: Clean
Brand: RAW
Voice: Voice-2
Match Specialty: Ladder

[Head Morphing]

Height: -46
Width: -54
Depth: -65

Size: -51
Height: -7
Width: 37
Depth: -70

[Face Morphing]
Eyebrows = -100, 91, 32, 11
Eyes = 0, 14, -22, 34 -5 -61 -5
Nose = -52, 73, 8, 7, 10, 31, 19, 77
Cheeks = -41, -46, -33, -3
Mouth = 100, -27, -49, -7, 0, -83, -54
Jaw = -100, 17, 11, -31, -28, -9
Ears = 5, 5, 0, 0
Skin Ageing = 25

[Face Parts]
Hair: 8/50 -32, 53, 100
Face Skin Tones 11/13
Eyes: 2/8 (Custom Color) X:100 Y:0 Shade -7
Eyebrows: 54/54 (Custom Color) X:83 Y:0 Shade 0
Eyelashes 1/22 (Custom Color) X:87 Y:0 Shade 0
Lips: (Default)
Goatee 13/13 default black


Men’s clothes 4/31 -100, -100, -100, 0 stylize long-sleeved tucked in (not for entrance)
Men’s bottoms 3/34 -70, -82, -74
Wristbands 12/22 default Red both arms
Wristbands 13/22 default Black both arms
Hats 1/10 -56, -33, -25 stylize backwards (uncheck for match)
Belts 17/29 default black
Mens Clothes 18 untucked entrance only (33, 38, -27)
Tops logos wwe back 9/47 Largest H largest V Place centred on his back default purple
Arm Accessories 5/11 Default Black\
Torso Accessories (the necklace) stylize short, default colour
Logo WWE 9/47 Smallest V smallest H default black, place on dogtag
You Have just completed the 100th Jeff Hardy Caw For SVR07
If I Ever See The 200th Jeff Harvey Hardy I will Kill Myself, so don't make anymore lol

*Changed my name
added updated photo