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Eddie Guerrero (Scarface Shirt Attire)
CAW by TriniTNADeV

Formula by tjohnnyblue

Date added: 1st October 2007
Name Eddie Guerrero
Hud Eddie G
Nickname Default
Placement None
Announcer Introduction Edward
Hometown El Paso, Tx.
Weight Heavyweight
Match Tactic Clean
Show Smackdown!
Voice 1
Match Specialty None

Head and Face Morphing

Head 0,-5,-18
Forehead 0,-31,-2,-10

Eyebrows -25,90,0,-79
Eyes 0,-37,-12,60,6,0,-18
Nose 0,12,78,0,41,0,0,5
Cheeks 0,4,17,0
Mouth 50,1,-74,0,43,98,-40
Jaw 13,7,0,-18,-21,6
Ears 0,0,0,0
Skin Aging 44

Body Type 0

Advanced Options

Neck -65,42,52
Chest 21,-7,0
Shoulder 6,5,6
Abdomen -25,16,0
Waist 0,0
Arms 0,0,0
Hands 0,0,0
Legs 6,7,17
Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 5 Ft. 8 In.


1.Body Skin (1) 90,3,0
2.Face Skin Tones (12)
3.Eyes (2) 100,0,-11
4.Eyebrows (35) 86,0,0
5.Eyelashes Default
6.Lips (1) 96,0,0
7.Teeth Default
8.Hair (11) 86,-2,-4
9.Body Hair Default
10.Underwear (1)
11.Other Facial Hair (15) 89,0,-2,72
12.Tights (1) -26,-100,-71,100,100
13.Shoes (2) Tallest Boot 75,-17,14
14.Make Up (65) 90,-5,0,60
15.Make Up (60) 92,0,0,35
16.Make Up (58) 95,0,0,2
17.WWE (9) 3rd Hor. 3rd Ver. Place on the inside half of the left forearm, just below the bend in his arm. 46,-22,-57,0
18.Men's Clothes (17) Loose Fit -73,-100,-68
19.Men's Clothes (30) T-Shirt Arm Length -13,-100,-70,100
20.Make Up (32) 96,0,0,0
21. and 22. are centered on top of each other, slightly overlapping, centered on the front of his shirt. Both are Flag (10) Largest Hor. 3rd Ver. 67,-100,57,100
23.Flag (10) Rotate Once 3rd Hor. Largest Ver. Place centered on the left half of the Last 2 Layers, leaving a half inch white outline on the left side, top and bottom of those 2 Layers. 67,-100,-100,100
24.WWE (3) 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on Layers 21 and 22 3 and a half inches below the top of those Layers. -99,-100,-9,100
25.Design (120) Rotate Once Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place wrapping around the right end of Layer 24. 100,-100,-9,100
26.Design (133) Rotate 3 Times 2nd Hor. 3rd Ver. Place centered on the white half of the Flag Layers, slightly sticking out from the bottom. 100,-100,-4,28
27.WWE (5) Rotate Once 3rd Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered a half inch below the bottom of the left two-thirds of Layer 24. 100,-100,0,100
28.Design (124) Rotate Once 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. Connect to the bottom of Layer 27. -90,-100,26,100
29.Design (126) Rotate Twice Smallest Hor. 2nd Ver. Place centered on Layer 27 an inch below the top of that layer. 100,-100,-100,97
30.Design (133) Rotate Twice Smallest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered on the top quarter inch of and over Layer 27. 100,-100,-100,100
31. and 32. are centered across the top of the Flag Layers, side by side. Both are WWE (22) Rotate Right Design Twice Only 2nd Hor. Smallest Ver. 99,0,0,100

A1 Fighting Style
Brawler (2x)
Signs are your choice
Moves Aggressive, Less all other choices