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CAW by shyanrell

Date added: 23rd May 2008
Employment Application

Name: Boondox

HUD name: Boondox

Nickname: n/a

Nickname Placement: none

Announcer Introduction: Whatever you think fits him

Hometown: Georgia

Gender: Male


I put Raw but it don't matter


Match Speaciality: Whatever you make it

Start with basic faces 3

Head Morphing: 0/39/19

Forehead Morphing: 0/-27/29/39

Face Morphing

Eyebrow: -100/9/-18/100
Eyes: 46/0/0/51/21/0/-34
Nose: 0/-15/15/14/-15/-7/62/0
Cheeks: 0/70/15/55
Mouth: 56/-31/-15/31/26/31/-68
Jaw: -23/33/15/-4/-25/-24
Ears: All 0
Sking Againg: 5

Body Type

Advanced Options

Neck: -49/-21/-21
Chest: 0/-19/-19
Shoulder: -100/-19/-19
Abdomen: 0/-19/0
Waist: -4/3
Arms: -9/-21/-21
Hands: 19/9/9
Legs: 0/-19/-19
Feet: 13/9/9

Height: 6' 1"

Body Skin: 5
Face Tone: 10
Eyes: 2 (def. color)
Eyebrow: 1 (def.)
Eyelash: (def.)
Lips: (def.)
Teeth: (def.)
Hair: 49 (def. color)
Body Hair: none
Underwear: (def.)
Facial Hair: Goatee 5 89/-12/-4/100
Wrist Bands: 1 -13/-78/19/100/13
Gloves: 7 -100/-100/-100
Mens Bottoms: 3 (stylize 1 right) color bar black
Mens Clothes: 1 (def.)
Shoes: 15 color bar black


Head logo design: 92 Place on nose, color bar black
Face Paint: 19 -100/-100/-100/100
Head logo design: 9 -100/-100/-100/100 place on left side of right eyes patch
Repeat last design but put on opposite side
Face Paint: 73 -100/-100/-100/100
Head logo design: 17 rotate 2x and size it right and place on right side of mouth and cheek, color bar black
Repeat last design only on left side of mouth and cheek
Head logo design: 97 rotate 1x and stretch to fill gaps on right side of mouth and cheek color bar black
Repeat last design only for right side of mouth and cheek
Head logo design: 17 rotate 2x and put on front of mouth make sure size looks right color bar black
Head logo design: 17 rotate 2x place in center of eye patch to make spike color bar black
Repeat on other eye
Head logo design: 93 rotate 2x and make skinny as you can and second shortest place in inside of eye patch to make inner spike color bar black
Repeat last layer on other eye

If I forgot anything I'm sorry but it's the best I could do for right now and this was my first CAW. I hope you like it and contact me if you have any questions.