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CAW by A-Dogg

Date added: 23rd October 2007
Name: A Dogg
HUD Name: Dogg
Nickname: Big Daddy
Placement: Prefix
Announcer Intro: Big Daddy
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Heavyweight 252 lbs.
Match Tactic: Clean
Show: Smackdown
Voice: 4
Match Specialty: Submission
Head Morphing:
Head: Height/20 Width/16 Depth/6
Forehead: Size/0 Height/8 Width/0 Depth/0

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: Y-axis/1 Thickness/1 Depth/7 Angle/-25
Eyes: Size/0 Height/-30 Width/-18 Y-axis/8 X-axis/-3 depth/0 angle/-7
Nose: Size/0 Height/-5 Width/-35 Length/-8 Nostril H./-35 Nostril W./-40 Depth/0 Angle/-42
Cheeks: Size/0 Y-axis/13 X-axis/13 Depth/15
Mouth: Height/9 Thickness/-8 Width/-61 Depth/38 Upper Lip/30 Lower Lip/10 Angle?-17
Jaw: Height/-16 Width/-44 Depth/6 Outline/1 Upper Line/-27 Thickness/-34
Ears: Height/40 Angle 1/57 Angle 2/45 Shape/0
Skin Aging/15
Body Type:
Body Type/0
Advanced Options:
Neck: Height/9 Width/20 Depth/10
Chest: Height/-16 Width/12 Depth/4
Shoulder: Height/18 Width/11 Depth/0
Abdomen: Height/7 Width/14 Depth/14
Waist: Width/24 Depth/14
Arms: Length/11 Width/8 Depth/4
Hands: Length/16 Width/7 Depth/6
Legs: Length/6 Width/22 Depth/20
Feet: Length/1 Width/6 Depth/10
Body Hair: None
Body Skin: number/1 color/5
Face Parts:
Hair: number/49 (x:-100 y:9 Shade:-59)
Eyes: number/2
Eyebrows: number/54 (black)
Facial Hair: other/4 (x:89 y:-70 Shade:-23 Alpha:100)
Lips: number/2
Skin Tones: number/5
Eyelashes: number/1 (black)
Teeth: number/1
Make Up:
Make Up/27 (x:89 y:0 Shade:18 Alpha:16)
Make Up/62 (x:93 y:0 Shade:13 Alpha:67)
Underwear: number/22 (Green)
Knee Pads: number/5 (Black)
Elbow Pads: number/2 (Black)-on left elbow only--entrance and match only-
Gloves: number/2 (Black) -entrance and match only-
Wrist Bands: number/21 (Black) -entrance and match only-
Arm Accessories: number/4 (Black) -entrance and match only-
Bottoms: Bottoms/4 style/4 (Black)
Shoes: Shoes/18 (White)
Tops: Clothes/6 (White) -cut scene only-
Head wear: Hats/5 style/2 (Yellow) -cut scene and entrance only-
Head wear: Glasses/9 (x:77 y:-100 Shade:-100) -cut scene and entrance only-
Body Art: Logos: Legs: Right Leg: Design: number/103 rotate once drag all the way down shoe: (Green)
+-do the same for left foot-+

Body Art: Logos: Legs: Right Leg: Design: number/103 vertical:smallest horizontal:largest rotate once drag all the way down shoe: (Yellow)
+-do the same for left foot-+
A.I. fighting style:
Style 1: grapple
Style 2: striker
Move: Clever
Irish Whip: less
Diving Moves: Often
Taunt: Often
Crowd Signs:
Sign 1: page:20/22 fourth in row four
Sign 2: page:20/22 fourth in row two
Sign 3: page:20/22 third in row four
Sign 4: page:9/22 second in row three
Strength: 8/9
Submission: 10/10
Durability: 9/9
Technique: 9.5/9.5
Speed: 7.5/7.5
Charisma: 7.5/10
Hardcore: 7.5/10
Stamina: 8/8