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Wolf Hawkfield
CAW by Druox

Name: Wolf Hawkfield
HUD: Wolf
Nick Name: none
Nick Name Placement: none
Announcer Introduction The Bruiser (your choice)
Hometown: Canada
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Tactics: Clean
Show: Smackdown! (your choice)
Voice: 3

Head: (default)
Eyebrows: (0, 0, 0, 100)
Eyes: (-3, 20, 0, -99, 10, 0, 60)
Nose: (20, 50, 0, 14, 0, 0, -38, 0)
Cheek: (-99, -99, -99, -99)
Mouth: (0, 29, -38, 20, 100, -99, 60)
Jaw: (40, 100, -99, -99, 100, -99)
Ear: (80, 0, 0, 25
Age: (0)

Hair: 71 ( 100, 100, 69, 0)
Eyes: 1 (92, 0, 30)
Eyebrows: 1 ( 97, 50, 50, 0)
Lips : 22: (60, 50, 50)
Face Skin: 2
Eyelids 18 (97, 50, 50, 0)

Body Type
Ripped <-> Thick: -38

Advanced Options:
Head: (25, 0, 0 )
Neck: (-29, 14, 35 )
Chest: (29, 29, 100 )
Shoulder: (40, 29, 50 )
Abdomen: (-23, 25, 45 )
Waist: (20, 70 )
Arms: (10, 70, 60 )
Hands: (35, 20, 14 )
Legs: (25, 20, 45 )
Feet: (45, 20, 25 )

Body Skin: 2: (93, 50, 50)
Body Hair: None
Body Height: 5‘11\"

1-9 don\'t touch
10.) Underwear: #1 (0, 50, 59
11. Elbow Pads 13 (43, 0, 45, 100)
12. Tights 1/1 (38, 100, 25, 100, 84)
13. Shoes 8/1 (100, 0, 40)
14. Make-Up 11 (100, 100, 59, 100)

Eyes Paint
15 and 16 Head Tattoo Design 153 (100, 100, 79, 100) See Help Pics
17 and 18 Head Tattoo Picture 43 (100, 47, 50, 100) See Help Pics

Nose Paint
19. Head Tattoo Design 153 (100, 43, 69, 100) See Help Pics
20 and 21 Head Tattoo Design 150 (100, 50, 69, 100) See Help Pics
22. Head Tattoo Design 153 (100, 43, 69, 100) See Help Pics
23 and 24 Head Tattoo Design 154 (100, 50, 69, 100)
25. Head Tattoo Design 153 (100, 43, 69, 100)

26. Accessories 3 (42, 0, 50, 100

The Rest
27. Gloves 8 (43, 0, 50)
28. Belt 14 (100, 50, 59, 100)

A.I. Fighting Style 1: Grappler
A.I. Fighting Style 2: Grappler
A.I. Fighting Style WWE Superstar: ---------
Crowd Signs
Sign 1: \"Son of the BEAST????
Sign 2: \"The ANIMAL\"
Move: Aggressive
Irish Whip: less
Diving Moves: often
Taunt: often