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CAW by Tomacurrana

Name: The Undertaker
HUD: Taker
Nick Name: Default
Nick Name Placement: None
Announcer Introduction: The Superstart (Hack – The Undertaker)
Hometown: Houston Texas
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 305 Ibs (Superheavyweight)
Match Tactics: Clean
Show: Smackdown or (Hack: Show Smackdown)
Voice: 5

Head: (67, -84, -74, 12)
Eyebrows: (22, 8, 62, 22)
Eyes: (0, 8, -7, -99, 29, 0, 29)
Nose: (49, 16, 37, 25, -19, 2, 8, 43)
Cheek: (13, -7, 22, 23)
Mouth: (-11, 16, -66, 49, 74, 100, 51)
Jaw: (48, 28, 39, 3, -33, 32)
Ear: (90, -18, -14)
Age: (57)
Hair: 80/91 – 93,0,12,39
Eyes: 1/26 – 92, 40, 44
Eyebrows: 9/98 – 93, 50, 45, 79
Lips: 4/35 – 1, 50, 29, 39
Face Skin: 3/8 – 96, 46, 50
Eyelids: Default
Teeth: Default
Body Type
Ripped <-> Thick: 0
Advanced Options:
Head: 50, 0, 0
Neck: -38, 80, 100
Chest: 0, 49, 80
Shoulder: 0, 50, 0
Abdomen: 50, 60, 50
Waist: 60, 60
Arms: 40, 29, 29
Hands: 50, 50, 50
Legs: 29, 20, 20
Feet: 20, 20, 20
Body Skin: 4/9 – 96, 45, 50
Body Hair: None
Body Height: 6‘11\"
10.) Underwear: 1/25 – 43, 0, 13
Layers must be in the exact order as shown!
11.) Make-Up: 135/135 – 96,49,53,100
12.) Arm Paint: Both – 49/149 – 49, 50, 38, 28
13.) Arm Paint: Both – 76/149 – 35, 50, 44, 58
14.) Arm Paint: Both – 37/149 – 33, 50, 40, 29
15.) Elbow Pads: Both – 2/16, 1/45 – 43, 0, 15, 100
16.) Side Burns: 7/17 – 95, 51, 38, 78
17.) Facial Hair, Other: 19/25 – 95, 50, 50, 100
18.) Moustache: 2/11 – 93, 50, 50, 100
19.) Facial Hair, Other: 23/25 – 95, 50, 50, 26
20.) Goatee: 2/13 – 95, 50, 52, 100
21.) Torso, Costume: 13/17, 1/45 – 0, 0, 13, 100, 100
22.) Shoe’s: 1/48, 1/45 – 43, 0, 0
23.) Gloves: 2/18, 1/45 – 0, 0, 11
24.) Pants: 32/62
25.) Hats: 14/28, 30/45 – 0, 0, 27
26.) Torso, Tattoo/Logo – Word: 67/143 (Smallest Vertical and Horizontal, Place at the bottom middle of the Neck) 37, 0, 18, 43

27.) Torso, Men’s: 2/101, 1/45 – 43, 0, 0, 100, 92 (Off During Match)
28.) Torso, Tattoo/Logo, WWE: 14/64 (Largest Vertical and Horizontal, Place in the middle of the Black Shirt (Layer 27) (Look at Picture) (Off During Match) 100, 50, 50, 100

29.) Make-Up: 130/135 – 98, 50, 50, 43

30.) Leg, Right Leg, Tattoo/Logo, WWE: 13/64 (Place on the right side of the leg and place in the middle between Hip and foot, 3rd horizontal and Vertical (Look at Picture for help) 92,0,24,69

A.I. Fight Style: Undertaker
Crowd Signs (Sign 1: 10/13, Top row, 3rd column)
(Sign 2: 1/13, Top right)

Advanced: Move – Aggressive,
Irish Whip – Less,
Diving Moves – Often,
Taunt – Often
Attributes: Strength: 9/10
Submission: 8.5/10
Durability: 10/10
Technique: 8.5/9
Speed: 6/6
Charisma: 8.5/10
Hardcore: 8/10
Stamina: 7.5/8
Overall: 91