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Booker T (King Booker Attire)
CAW by ja7kou87

Start with Basic Face #2

Head: (0, -100, -61, -42)
Eyebrows: (35, -72, 20, -11)
Eyes: (0, 65, -11, 25, 10, -17, -20)
Nose: (0, -17, 30, 5, 25, 7, 20, 20)
Cheek: (-100, 0, 0, -100)
Mouth: (100, -26, -42, 40, 100, 100, 35)
Jaw: (18, 5, 14, -21, -26, 0)
Ear: (-32, 0, 0, 0)
Age: 35

Hair: 41 (95, 40, 9) or 33 (93, 59, 32, 0)
Eyes: 8 (100, 50, 36)
Eyebrows: 44 (94, 40, 38, 30)
Lips : 7 (96, 32, 25, 30)
Face Skin: 2

Body Type
Ripped <-> Thick: 0

Advanced Options:
Head: (14, -6, 0)
Neck: (-65, 14, 0)
Chest: (0, 0, 10)
Shoulder: (0, 0, 0)
Abdomen: (-5, 19, 10)
Waist: (14, 8)
Arms: (0, 8, 0)
Hands: (0, 0, 0)
Legs: (9, 10, 19)
Feet: (0, 0, 0)

Body Skin: 1 (96, 53, 29)
Body Hair to Hair: 84 (94, 56, 20, 0)
Body Height: 6\'4\"
10. Underwear: 15 (43, 0, 57)
11. Goatee: 5 (95, 50, 40, 100)
12. Make Up: 120 (97, 53, 32, 70)
13. Make Up: 45 (96, 51, 30, 100)
14. Elbow Pads: 2 (43, 0, 10, 100)
15. Knee Pads: 10 (43, 0, 0, 100)
16. Knee Pads: 15 (43, 0, 5, 100)
17. Facial hair - Face Other: 20 (96, 50, 35, 17)
18. Mustache: 1 (96, 50, 69, 0)
19. Underwear: 4 (43, 0, 54, 100)
20. shoes: 8 (43, 0, 54)
21. Make Up: 133 (96, 48, 41, 20)
22. Make Up: 53 (96, 45, 36, 100)
23. Gloves: 6 (43, 0, 50)
24. Face - design - WWE: 38 Rotate twice. Smallest H, 2nd largest V. Place it on under the lips to make small facial hair. (32, 0, 0, 44)
25. Hat: 26 (89, 100, 28) Cut/Entrance only *If you use Hair 41, don\'t use hat....
26. Make Up: 86 (98, 0, 54, 0)

These require layer transparency hacks....vvv
27~29. Torso - back - WWE: 20 Largest H, smallest V. See help pic1 (87, 50, 50, 100)
30. Torso - Design - Simple: 69 Largest H, smallest V (90, 35, 59, 100) see help pic2
31. Copy layer30 and move it up few notches. see help pic3
32. Torso - Design - Simple: 79 Rotate twice. Default V&H (38, 0, 45, 100) see help pic4