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Amber O'Neal
CAW by AdamP

Head: (-11, -18, -11, -23)
Eyebrows: (17, -8, -3, -58)
Eyes: (-11, 20, 0, -99, 25, 100, -55)
Nose: (0, 100, 7, 0, 6, 0, -8, -7)
Cheek: (-25, -18, 18, 100)
Mouth: (-11, -59, 57, -3, 39, -37, -34)
Jaw: (66, -5, 23, -18, -3, 61)
Ear: (-45, 51, -40, -11)
Age: (10)

Hair: #55 ( 93, 50, 59, 100)
Eyes: #1 (92, 50, 43)
Eyebrows: #1 (93, 58, 35, 78)
Lips :#2 (98, 53, 44, 100)
Face Skin: #4
Eyelids: #5 (93, 50, 0)

Body Type
Ripped <-> Thick: -3

Advanced Options:
Head: (-18, -82, -16)
Neck: (-74,11 ,0)
Chest: (72,-11,0)
Bust: (28,14,0)
Shoulder: (8,5,0)
Abdomen: (87,13,18)
Waist: (7,1)
Arms: (31,0,0)
Hands: (-11,0,-18)
Legs: (66,3,36)
Feet: (0,0,0)

Body Skin: #1 (96,53,50)
Body Height: 5? 8\"
10.) Underwear: #2 (43,50,0)
11.) Short Hemline: #17 (100,54,40)
12.) Wristbands: #5 (43,15,47,100,82)
13.) Shoes #4 (43,50,0)
14.) Gloves #7 (100,54,40)
15.) Pants #32 (100,54,40,0)
16.)Body Accessories #1 (96,23,18,100)
17.) Make Up #2 (100,50,0,48)
18.) Makeup #44 (99,53,39,37)

The rest is for her upper body attire.

19.) Torso/Pattern/Simple/Front #153 2nd smallest V, Largest H (100,54,50,100)
Place in the middle of her torso right below the bottom of her short hemline attire. This is to make the attire longer. (See Help Pic 1)

20-23.) Copy the previous pattern 4 times and move it to go all around her body.

24.) Torso/Pattern/Simple/Front #136 Rotate 2 times, 2nd smallest V, 2nd smallest H (96,57,100,100)
Place in the middle of her chest. The top of it should be on her breasts. The color will not match her skin perfectly but the next patterns will hid it. (See Help Pic 2)

25.) Torso/Pattern/Simple/Front #157 Rotate 2 times, smallest V, 2nd smallest H (100,54,36,85)
Place this so that it outlines the bottom of the previous pattern.

26.) Torso/Pattern/Simple #145 Rotate 1 time, 2nd largest V, 2nd largest H (100,54,40,100)
This makes the top stap on her outfit in the space between her breasts.

27.) Torso/Letter/Alphabet 12/18 (X) Rotate 1 time, 2nd smallest V, largest H (100,54,27,100)
Place right below the previous pattern.

28.) Copy the previous Letter/Alphabet 12/18 (X) Go 1 size smaller on V and H.
Place below the previous pattern.

29.) Copy again. Smallest H, 2nd smallest V.
Place below previous pattern.

She should now look like she has laces on the front of her shirt.