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A Train (Face Only)
CAW by italian guy

Pics by TheOnlyKingOfKings

make this things in order

head 0 100 19 0

64 -23 26 66

-39 33 20 20 -3 29 33

36 34 0 0 0 0 100

-30 68 55 21


0 31 -17 26 24 0

-23 100 -41 8

age 23

hair 91(lol.....)

eyes 1 92 50 39

eyerbrowns 18 94 50 38 100

lips 2 98 50 50 69

face skin 1

eyelids and teeth stay default

make up 6 100 50 23 12

head letter pag 10 V rotate twice largest oriz default vertical
place between the eyerbrows just at the end of them to make his face angry!
96 73 0 7

other 11 95 50 36 100

goatee 1 95 50 36 100

goatee 3 92 50 0 100

siburnus 95 50 1 100

goatee 8 92 50 35 100

piercing 4 84 82 39

head letter pag 10 V default size smallest vertical default oriz
98 29 65 100
place centered on his moustache at the beginnig(under the nose)