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Create A Superstar Create A Movesets Create A Belt Guides & Presets

CAW by FlamedLiquid

Face Skin: 1
Body Skin: 1
Skin Color: 1(X -89, Y -3)(Shade(X 9)
Eyes: 4(Color(X -96, Y 9)(Shade(X 21)
Eyebrows: 91(Color(X -96, Y -8)(Shade(X 20)
Lips: 16(Color(X 95, Y 22)(Shade(X -7)
Teeth: 1
Hair: 31(Color(X -94, Y 0)(X 27)
Body Hair: 31(Color(X -94, Y 0)(X 27)
Body Haiir: None
Underwear: Default
Long Hemline: (1/41)(65/69)(Color(X -100, Y 19)(Shade(X -51)
Make-Up: 1(Color(X -100, Y -16)(Shade(X 0)(Tranpasrency(X 100)
Socks: (1/41)(1/22)(Color(X -97, Y 9)(Shade(X -44)(Transparency(X 100)(Length(X -77)
KneePads: (1/41)(7/15)(Color(X -93, Y 9)(Shade(X -42)(Transparency(X 100)
Shoes: (1/41)(1/45)(Color(X -100, Y 9)(Shade(X -52)
MiniSkirt: (1/41)(5/21)(Color(X -96, Y 20)(Shade(X -43)
Pattern Simple: 153(UpperBody Front)(Increase Vertically and Horizantally to largest size)(Place this in the middle on her shirt, more towards the left.)(Color(X -83, Y 24)(Shade(X -37)(Transparency(X 100)(All the way to the bottom of her shirt)
Pattern Simple: 153(UpperBody Front)(Increase Vertically and Horizantally to largest size)(Place this in the middle on her shirt, more towards the right, blending the 2 patterns together, so it looks like one big pattern that is centered in the middle.)(Color(X -83, Y 24)(Shade(X -37)(Transparency(X 100)(All the way to the bottom of her shirt)
Gloves: (1/41)(4/17)(Color(X -100, Y 70)(Shade(X -37)
Belt: 14(Color(X -94, Y 9)(Shade(X -71)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 152(Left Leg)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically and Horizantally)(Place on her kneepad, centering it)(Color(X 17, Y 100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 149(Left Leg)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically, and increase once Horizantally)(Place this in the midle of the "X" symbol, so it looks like something like an asterik)(Color(X 17, Y 89)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 152(Right Leg)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically and Horizantally)(Place on her kneepad, centering it)(Color(X 17, Y 100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 149(Right Leg)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically, and increase once Horizantally)(Place this in the midle of the "X" symbol, so it looks like something like an asterik)(Color(X 17, Y 89)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 152(Upperbody Front)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically and Horizantally)(Place above her left boob)(Color(X 17, Y 100)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 149(Upperbody Front)(Reduce to smallest size Vertically, and increase once Horizantally)(Place this in the midle of the "X" symbol, so it looks like something like an asterik)(Color(X 17, Y 89)(Shade(X 0)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 145(Upperbody Front)(Reduce Verically to smallest size, and increase Horizantally to largest size)(Place this coming off the right side of her belt. This should be the string for her nametag.)(Color(X -100, Y 34)(Shade(X 67)(Transparency(X 100)
Pattern Simple: 153(Upperbody Front)(Rotate Once)(Reduce Vertically to smallest size)(Must rotate first)(PLace this coming off the "String" pattern)(Color(X 17, Y 100)(Shade(X -100)(Transparency(X -100)
Face Morphing
Head(X 0, Y 0)(X 0)
Eyebrows(X 0, Y 17)(Y 2)
Eyes(X -1, Y -3)(X 0, Y -9)
Nose(X -21, Y 17)(X -6, Y 16)
Cheek(X -6, Y -10)(X -8, Y -6)
Mouth(X -55, Y -13)(X -7, Y 7)
Jaw(X -18, Y -17)(X -20, Y -10)
Ear(X -18, Y -25)(X -27, Y -10)
Age(X -100)
Full Body Scaling
Head(X 39, Y 25)(Y 18)
Neck(X -11, Y -14)(Y -10)
Chest(X 16, Y 24)(Y 22)
Bust(X 6, Y 15)(X 8, Y 7)
Shoulder(X 2, Y 10)
Abdomen(X -8, Y -3)(Y 14)
Arms(X 02, Y 5)(Y -39)
Hands(X -17, Y -14)
Waist(X -12, Y 46)
Legs(X 19, Y 25)(X 7, Y 13)
Feet(X -3, Y -1)(Y -48)