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SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain

Create A Superstar Create A Movesets Guides & Presets

CAW by hmbettas

(1)Skin - 2 x:-93 y:-91 x:-100
(2)Eyebrows - 155
(3)Hair - 63
(4)Underwear - 4,1 x:12 y:-90 x:-100
(5)Mask - 19,1 x:12 y:-100 x:-100
(6)Headpaint - 128 x:-96 y:9 x:9
(7)Mask - 21,1 x:12 y:-100 x:-100
(8)Design,Simple,Face - 153 x:19 y:-33 x:-100 Reduce once and place over bridge of nose to cover white spot.
(9)Design,Simple,Face - 148 x:19 y:-22 x:-100 Reduce twice and place over left corner of mouth to cover red headpaint.
(10)Design,Simple,Face - 148 x:19 y:-22 x:-100 Reduce and rotate twice, and place over right corner of mouth to cover red headpaint.
(11)Design,Simple,Face - 153 x:19 y:-22 x:-100 Reduce twice and place above mouth, covering remaining red headpaint on right side.
(12)Design,Simple,Face - 153 x:19 y:-22 x:-100 Reduce twice and place above mouth, covering remaining red headpaint on left side.
~~You should now be left with just Venom's mouth showing.~~
(13)Headpaint - 89 x:-97 y:9 x:0
(14)Design,Simple,Face - 154 x:19 y:76 x:-100 Reduce once and position to fill upper portion of left eye.
(15)Design,Simple,Face - 154 x:19 y:76 x:-100 Reduce once and rotate twice, position to fill upper portion of right eye.
(16)Design,Simple,Face - 154 x:19 y:76 x:-100 Reduce twice and position to fill bottom portion of left eye.
(17)Design,Simple,Face - 154 x:19 y:76 x:-100 Reduce and rotate twice and position to fill bottom portion of right eye.
(18)Design,Simple,Face - 14 x:17 y:84 x:-100 Rotate once and place on top of left eye, covering white dot.
(19)Design,Simple,Face - 11 x:17 y:84 x:-100 Rotate once and place on top of right eye, covering other white dot.
(20)Design,Simple,Face - 29 x:22 y:-22 x:-100 Rotate twice and place right between the eyes.
(21)Upper Body Accessories - 18 x:-89 y:-74 x:-100
~~The design of the head is finished and now we'll start on the logo's~~
(22)Design,Simple,Body - 68 x:22 y:79 x:-100 Center on chest so that the nipples are covered.
(23)Design,Simple,Body - 153 x:22 y:79 x:-100 Reduce once and place over the round "body" of previous piece to elongate it.
(24)Design,Letter,Body - Sign(second from right,bottom row) x:22 y:79 x:-100 Rotate and reduce once and place at the very bottom of previous piece.
(25)Design,Simple,Body - 148 x:22 y:-34 x:-100 Place toward center of logo to give abdomen a tapered look(use picture for reference).
(26)Design,Simple,Body - 148 x:22 y:-34 x:-100 Place on other side of logo, tapering other side of abdomen.
(27)Design,Simple,Body - 25 x:22 y:79 x:-100 Place on top of logo "body" to give it fangs.
~~Repeat steps 22 through 27 on the back~~
(28)Design,Simple,Left Arm - x:19 y:79 x:-100 Reduce to smallest size, rotate once, and center over the top of left hand.
(29)Design,Simple,Right Arm - x:19 y:79 x:-100 Reduce to smallest size, rotate once, and center over top of right hand.
~~The design of Venom is done and now the form and figures~~
Face - 1
Face Model - 7
Head x:0 y:-82
Eyebrow x:1 y:100
Nose x:-55 y:100 x:-100 y:-2
Mouth x:-1 y:100 x:26
Jaw x:-44 y:69 x:-48
Body Morphing x:0 y:-100
Head x:-18 y:-8 y:24
Neck x:100 y:100 y:9
Chest x:100 y:14 y:32
Shoulders x:45 y:48 y:46
Abdomen x:53 y:31 y:-14
Arms x:29 y:31 y:-33
Forearms x:31 y:44
Hands x:79 y:62 y:100
Waist x:24 y:22
Thigh x:31 y:10
Legs x:79 y:17 y:100
Feet x:22 y:52 y:-37
Height 6'2