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SmackDown! Here Comes The Pain

Create A Superstar Create A Movesets Guides & Presets

Shaggy 2 Dope
CAW by Brainded

Figure: Height: 6'4"

Figure: Form
- Head (-17,-27) (35)
- Neck (33,88) (-23)
- Chest (43,-17) (5)
- Shoulder (-90,50) (10)
- Abdomen (16,-18) (44)
- Arms (36,31) (-19)
- Forearms (11,10)
- Hands (15,-23) (-71)
- Waist (0,-17)
- Thigh (-24,-36)
- Legs (39,1) (0)
- Feet (-29,-7) (-19)

Edit Parts: Body

Face 13(Face Model 11)
- Figure (0,0)
- Shape (0,0)
- Age (-100)
- Head (0,0)
- Eyebrow (0,0)
- Eyes (0,0) (0,0)
- Nose (0,0) (0,0)
- Cheek (-35)
- Mouth (0,0) (0)
- Jaw (25,10) (0)

Skin doesn't matter (Color -89,1 9)
Hair 21(-100,-35 0 34)
Eyes 4(-16,-15 0)

08 Knee Pads 14-1(12,-100 -100 100)
09 Shoes 1-1-1(12,-100 -100 44)
10 Short Pants 8-1(12,-75 -100)
11 Long Hemline 1-1-1(-67,9 0 100 -100)
12 Long Hemline 4-1-1(12,-100 -100 100 -25)
13 Head Paint 60(-100,9 0 100)
14 Head Paint 23(-72,11 6 100)
15 Design-Simple-Face 138 2nd smallest rotate once, place over the either eye as in pic so the above 14paint curves around it on the side(-58,44 -100 100)
16 Copy last Layer and do the same for the other eye
17 Design-Simple-Face 153 2nd smallest and rotate once, place over the lip so that the left edge touches the left corner of his lip, then move to the left 6 notches(-77,77 -13 100)
18 Do the same as the last Layer just for the right side
19 Design Simple Face 147 2nd smallest rotate once, place under the last two rectangles so that it rounds them off underneat as in pic(-77,77 -13 100)
20 Design Simple Face 147 smallest rotate once and place over the nose so that it covers both nostrals as low on the nose as it can go without touching the upper lip(-77,77 -13 100)
21 Design Simple Face 154 Smallest place on the right side so it the pieces connect(-77,77 -14 100)
22 Copy last piece and rotate once, then do the same for opposite side
23 Design Tattoo Face 20 smallest and rotate once, place at the top of the last piece and so that the two layers barely touch as in pic (-85,40 0 100)
24 Copy last Layer rotate once more placing under the last layer and to the right as in pic(-85,40 0 100)
25&26 copy the last 2 layers and place on the smae spot of the opposite side, only rotating the copy of LAyer 23 2 more times
27 Design Simple Face 138 smallest rotate once, place at the bottem of lower paint so that the 2 sides of the diamond line up with the paint as in pic(-67,29 11 100)
28 Design Simple Face 137 smallest rotate once, place in the right side upper paint so it cuts it off a bit to make the swoop in the paint as in pic(-58,43 -100 100)
29 Copy last piece, rotate twice, and do the same for left side(-58,43 -100 100)
30 Design Simple Face 138 smallest, place on the nose as in pic so it goes slightly up the bridge of the nose(-78,60 15 100)
31&32 Design Simple Face 147 smallest and rotate once, place as in pic on upper paint to make the slope over the eyes, easiest thing is to place so it fills in the paint that was removed with the white diamonds, then 3 notches right(for the left side) 3 notches left(for the right side, and 1 notch down no real easy way to put it(-67,58 0 100)
33&34 Design Simple Face 147 smallest, place as in pic on the forhead the two parts of the paint that stick up just above and between his eyes(-67,58 0 100)